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29 Belgian websites relevant to the keyword: compiler

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codevision.beThe CodeVisionAVR compiler features an alphanumeric LCD library for the Hitachi HD44780, Samsung KS0073 and Solomon Systech SSD1803 (Electronic Assembly DIP203 displays) controllers, both 8-bit AVR and XMEGA chips being supported. The LCD signals can be allocated to any pin of any I/O port in any…ansi compiler, compiler microchip, compiler optimization, etc compiler, compiler rampzlibrary, advanced, display, connection, license26
phidani.beCompilers and compiler-oriented techniques can be used in virtually all areas of computing. Telecommunications, quality, natural language, query processing, etc...parse compiler, compiler design, world compiler, compiler translator, interpretors compilerlanguage, founder, real, environment, level8
x-graph.beThe X-Graph XG4200 is a Rabbit 4000 single board computer with an integrated GPRS modem, a touchscreen 4.3" or 7.0" LCD, and the X-Graph LCD Hardware Accelerator. You can get your WAN touchscreen GUI design based on the XG4200, the DynamicC compiler and the hardware accelerated X-Graph graphic LCD…dynamicc compiler, compiler advanced, compiler hardware, configure compiler, compiler tabarduino, rabbit, interface, cpu, library4
evoluware.beC, C++, Assembly, CPU architectures, mobile devices, open source compilers (GCC), debuggers (GDB), Static and Dynamic code analysis and optimization tools, performance tuning, Vector Programming, Simulated Annealing, Constraint Programming, Software Defined Radio, MPSOC, Eclipse, Unix scripting…generator compiler, compiler rdbms, application compiler, compiler highly, software compilertechnology, programming, research, language, secure4
el-tramo.beIn yet another ‘probably-useless-but-interesting’ hobby project, I wrote a Forth compiler and interpreter targeting WebAssembly. It’s written entirely in WebAssembly, and comes with a compiler that dynamically emits WebAssembly code on the fly. The entire system (including 80% of all core words)…forth compiler, compiler webassembly, compiler interpreter, webassembly compiler, compiler dynamicallylist, dutch, forth, entirely, initial3
blaatschaap.beAs I’ve written in my previous post, I’ve been playing around with RISC-V recently. As part of building for RISC-V a compiler is required. As I am an ArchLinux user, I query pacman for the compiler. In the community repository I’ve found riscv64-elf-gcc. Additionaly, I need a C library, which is…risc compiler, compiler archlinux, pacman compiler, compiler communityclone, board, pill, semiconductor, bit3
rtos.beLinux-based software platforms Linux kernel In this section the Linux kernel part of an embedded software platform is discussed. Compiler While FreeRTOS (see Part2) has support for several compilers, the Linux kernel community has chosen GCC. … [Continue reading]platform compiler, compiler freertos, support compiler, compiler linuxembedded, energy, harvester, thread, gui2
johanfabry.be…off of the mainframe, and on the other hand providing contemporary solutions for large codebases written in old (niche) languages. I mainly do a lot of source code transformation but have also have worked on making existing large software bases from the mainframe compile on Raincode compilers.pl compiler, compiler precomputationlanguage, conference, proceeding, ieee, domain2
javablog.beWe solved this problem by not letting Weblogic appc being run on our EJB3.x jar. You can do this by running the Weblogic appc on individual jar files instead of the ear file. As you probably know EJB3 style beans don’t need an ejb compiler anymore to generate the remote and local interfaces as…ejb compiler, compiler anymorejava, august, maven, svn, header1
steeman.beAs the C18 compiler is no longer supported by Microchip and the rest of the VSCP group has migrated their code to XC8, I needed to migrate my Mespelare firmware as well. This article describes the process.interface, easy, pi, raspberry, bottle1
torbencapiau.beAs my second part of this write-up series, I will cover two relative small challenges that appeared in the qualifiers round of this year’s Cyber Security Challenge Belgium. Compile Online The idea was simple: someone had made an online C compiler, which could be used by sending C code to the…online compiler, compiler codewrite, march, author, challenge, conference1
ai-edge.be…use cases were developed using Python. The optimalisation techniques were heavily investigated and used in the workshops and use cases, such as the quantisation of model parameters, reducing the model size by pruning the model, and optimising the compiler specifically for the embedded system.model compiler, compiler specificallyedge, deep, meeting, learn, result1
sitebase.beI just wanted to write a short blog post about this awesome new book I’ve been reading lately. The book is called “The Elements of Computing Systems” and learns you in detail how to build your own computer system, compiler and OS.system compiler, compiler osdeveloper, problem, founder, electronic, custom1
24degrees.beNext thing to do is to include the MDBootstrap Framework. We download the source files for the free edition here . Next, we only copy the src file to our theme directory. Since we will be dealing with SASS-files, open Visual Studio Code and install the extension Live Sass Compiler made by Ritwick…sass compiler, compiler ritwicktheme, degree, plugin, file, picture1
aioo.beAndreas Lundblad is a software developer with a passion for quality and correctness. After finishing his PhD in computer science, he joined the langtools team at Oracle to develop the javac compiler and other language related tools. In 2016 he started at Palantir as a forward deployed engineer and…javac compiler, compiler languagejava, overflow, stack, july, progress1
0110.belibrary for your platform and copy it to a location where Java looks for it. This only works when compilers are already available on your system. In macOS you might need to install the XCode command line tools:java compiler, compiler availablejava, thread, file, library, fig1
dries007.beOne of the hardest things about this project was the old hardware. The SC12 was more then 15 years old when I started. Since its a 16 bit DOS like system, most compilers for it run on 16 bit DOS systems. 64 bit Windows doesn't support 16 bit apps anymore. I tried a few things, including DOSBOX but…system compiler, compiler bitsetup, jenkins, python, available, fpga1
codemonkey.be…2. Anyone who writes code for a living; a programmer. 3. A self-deprecating way of denying responsibility for a management decision, or of complaining about having to live with such decisions. As in "Don't ask me why we need to write a compiler in COBOL, I'm just a code monkey." -- The Jargon Filedecision compiler, compiler cobolthing, patch, instead, window, theme1
peterncu.beTo get the best results i use morden techniques and practices such as SASS compilers like webpack and npm. I am also comfortable uning version control utilities such as git.sass compiler, compiler likelaravel, developer, london, east, designer1
multi-mania.beProgramming Language Design and Implementation ( PLDI ) is one of the ACM SIGPLAN ‘s musts important conferences. The precursor or PLDI was the Symposium on Compiler Optimization , held July 27-28, 1970 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and chaired by Robert S. Northcote . That…symposium compiler, compiler optimizationconference, february, list, american, linguistic1
sikando.beExpert in C/C++. Linux, embedded and real-time software, compiler technology, network and web applications.software compiler, compiler technologyautomation, specification, real, initial, integration1
jaspervdj.beI love Haskell because it's a lot of fun to write, and you end up with robust and maintainable software. I think PureScript is a good alternative when you're targeting the browser. Here are some things I made:website compiler, compiler libraryghent, thing, lot, library, march0
nvrrdt.benvrrdt | Nothing more than thoughts. Might be developed once. For now, just some thoughts.thought, proposal, hash, function, process0
panic1.beI found this example architecture, but then I would need to add another VLAN interface to the compute and network node machines, and the controller node only needs the management interface, so I can remove interface to the tunnel network again:cross compileropenstack, network, node, networking, pi0
mvc.bemvc, vinyl, cd, dvd, video, bluray, music, lp, dj, shop, onlinerecord, music, twisted, password, recording0
pi3r.be…Storage… Docker… OpenShift… Cluster components… CICD Pipeline… ELK… Logstash… Conventions…package, reference, attribute, storage, build0
artofcreation.beAs you probably know, the users in Management Reporter are actually managed in Dynamics AX by using the role based security of Dynamics AX. The following table shows which roles in AX correspond to which roles in Management report ( Source ). So for example if you want to be administrator in MR…error, report, creation, field, january0
vives-kortrijk-elic.becalendar… cgi-fcgi… Core… ctype… filter… hash… iconv… json… libxml… mysqli… mysqlnd… openssl… pcre…value, php, file, ilia, driver0
cafeba.beSo I'm working through a book called 'Functional Programming in Scala' and one of the exercises was to implement a recursive method for checking whether an »scala compiler, compiler featuresfunctional, programming, play, secure, july0