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59 Belgian websites relevant to the keyword: sass

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webdesigneroffertes.beQuickly design and customize responsive mobile-first sites with Bootstrap, the world’s most popular front-end open source toolkit, featuring Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful JavaScript plugins.toolkit sass, sass variable, source sass, sass javascriptbootstrap, css, popular, library, example2
cere.beCedric is a talented front-end integrator, fast learning, proactive and with a strong knowledge of the latest web technologies, such as Compass, Sass, css3 and html5. He is a very nice colleague that I would certainly love to work again in the future.great sass, sass compass, compass sass, sass nicedeveloper, integration, css, knowledge, channel2
frostbite.beThe brand wasn't created yet, and I had to keep this in mind when I made the design and developped the HTML and CSS of the UI. We opted for using Sass, so that design elements were more easily updatable in the future.rails sass, sass haml, ui sass, sass designux, step, wireframe, swift, designer2
mind-bomb.beDesign and programming with WordPress, CSS, HTML, BOOTSTRAP, SASS, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT, PHP and SQL.html sass, sass bootstrap, bootstrap sass, sass pythonbomb, mind, dutch, french, accounting2
remybeumier.beCSS and JavaScript , as well as some additional frameworks and libraries such as Bootstrap , Sass and jQuery .bootstrap sass, sass jquerydeveloper, bit, memory, jquery, react2
bramtheunis.beMedunkt is an online platform that brings habitants, entrepreneurs and pawn owners together. This website was made to battle the structural vacancy in Mechelen. It is built using Laravel, SASS and MySQL.laravel sass, sass mysqlproblem, skills, thing, lot, laravel2
johantorfs.beThis project was made as a collaboration between me and another student as part of our curriculum. It is basically a static website styled with Bootstrap 4 and Sass.skills, thing, bit, need, functional1
dataliteracy.beSSIS, SSAS, SSRS, TALEND, DRUPAL, WORDPRESS, PHP, BOOTSTRAP, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT, SASS, PHOTOSHOP, INDESIGN, LLUSTRATORjavascript sass, sass photoshopdeveloper, literacy, visualization, gallery, resume1
solidsyntax.beI’ve started working on a front-end project using Angular in combination with the Angular-CLI. By default Angular-CLI scaffolds a project configured to use TypeScript and the (optional) scss-sass css preprocessor.scss sass, sass csssyntax, solid, java, css, reactive1
foodscu.beSass is completely compatible with all versions of CSS. We take this compatibility seriously, so that you can...css, reason, react, sustainable, safe1
24degrees.beNext thing to do is to include the MDBootstrap Framework. We download the source files for the free edition here . Next, we only copy the src file to our theme directory. Since we will be dealing with SASS-files, open Visual Studio Code and install the extension Live Sass Compiler made by Ritwick…directory sass, sass file, live sass, sass compilertheme, degree, plugin, file, picture1
kenny-wouters.beY2k Mainframe Euro-conversion DB2 IMS Cics Testing JCL Scrum Agile Cobol PL1 Java Gitlab Maven JUnit Eclips Javascript JDBC IBM MVS Spring HTML CSS SASS SQLcss sass, sass sqljava, skills, sql, timeline, language1
diezjietal.beMy skill set contains: Responsive and Adaptive web design, accessibility, usability, front-end performance and UX. I like to build your project with HTML5, CSS3, Sass and a lethal dose of progressive enhancement.project sass, sass lethalcss, availability, january, excited, scalable1
ritchiejacobs.beWith CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS being a must to use in every new project we often forget that CSS already comes with some powerful built-in features nowadays. One such feature is the currentColor keyword. This property allows you...like sass, sass newangular, late, topic, trick, methodology1
schanulliekewellness.beCafe restaurant Het Sass, Sass 1, Borne(03 8892284) : a picturesque restaurant in the middle of the green region of De Weert. Specializes in Belgian Mussels with fries and Flemish carbonade.het sass, sass picturesqueluxury, guest, region, facility, floor1
benjaminpalmero.beNote: it's been redesigned since then. Redesign from scratch of AppTweak's website. Based on an architecture and content from the marketing team, I designed most of the website and wrote the HAML & SASScurrently, wireframe, field, stakeholder, designer1
stant.beFreelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.optional sass, sass stylesheetconsectetur, dolor, quos, elit, ipsum1
galib.beLa La (LaForrest Cope) ex-member of The System, acted for The Jack Sass Band (also known as Sass)jack sass, sass bandmember, love, mile, summer, white1
clachr.beFreelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.optional sass, sass stylesheetbootstrap, theme, consectetur, dolor, quos1
simplymanager.beFreelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.optional sass, sass stylesheetsimply, consectetur, dolor, elit, ipsum1
peterncu.beTo get the best results i use morden techniques and practices such as SASS compilers like webpack and npm. I am also comfortable uning version control utilities such as git.practice sass, sass compilerlaravel, developer, london, east, designer1
gillesameri.beSass Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).sass preprocessordeveloper, language, technology, process, opportunity1
quintenbarilla.beTijdens mijn opleidingen webdesign heb ik geleerd te werken met html(5), css(3), jQuery, php . Ook ben ik bekend met grid systems, responsive design, sass . Ik kan werken met Drupal .design sass, sass ikgrid, jquery, php1
screenager.beMy name is Sven. I am a full stack developer specialized in PHP projects. I love working with Laravel, Drupal, Symfony and tools like Bower, Gulp, Bootstrap, Sass, Less, jQuery and AngularJS.bootstrap sass, sass jquerysymfony, bootstrap, laravel, jquery, developer1
altform.beAltform is an all-round team of freelance web developers with nearly 15 years of professional experience combined. We are a team of digital creatives coming from diverse backgrounds such as corporate design, editorial design, illustration and of course web development.tailor, background, developer, corporate, nearly0
escapestore.beESCAPE is a travel inspired concept store / webshop offering handcrafted homewares from all over the world. We love to bring the world to your home and support artisans in maintaining traditional craftsmanship. We buy fair trade where we can & make it our goal to keep discovering beautiful new…view, travel, candle, story, light0
sermonbob.beHi there! 👋 I'm Bob and I am a front-end developer based in Belgium. I've been building websites since 2013 with a focus on responsive design, accessibility and pleasing aesthetics.html sass, sass vuedeveloper, php, person, thing, aesthetic0
maximsnoeys.beHi, I'm Maxim Snoeys, student Application Development at Thomas More in Geel. During my study I discovered that I really like web development which made me explore this more. This is why I chose Application Development as my specialisation.internship, trough, exchange, php, electronic0
bramvandenbulcke.beI run a web design studio, called Webwerk , with a main focus on front-end development, tailor-made Drupal websites and theme-based WordPress websites.theme, file, custom, january, june0
divanails.beGelish® et Morgan Taylor® sont ravis de vous présenter la nouvelle collection de couleurs "Sing 2" Holiday Winter 2021 en collaboration avec le film Sing 2 d'Illumination.touch sass, sass ml, sass minigelish, forever, color, fabulous, holiday0
hoerezat.beFully compatible with Right to Left languages, always check this feature before our version update.sidebar, corporate, width, leave, transparent0
pietermouton.beHi, I’m Pieter Mouton An allround PHP-developer who loves building complex webapps and useful integrations.scss sassdeveloper, php, integration, useful, lot0
ziggyv.beI'm a 26 year old front-end developer , based in Antwerp, that loves to build (flat and minimalistic) websites and make use of modern web technology.gulp sass, sass boilerplate, sass nunjucksminimalistic, flat, developer, antwerp, old0
seppevolkaerts.beTerre is a proxy server for the game Terraria which adds support for multi-world and cross-play between mobile and desktop clients. The official game and servers are limited to a single world per server or client instance at the same time, with this proxy it is possible to have multiple instances…java, internship, study, dark, library0
codino.beAspiring front-end and back-end developer who is passionate about developing applications and websites.view, developer, passionate, book, program0
inteiro.be© Signature 2014, Developed by CodexCoder , because I'm not a frontend developer nor a designer!developer, php, skills, framework, wonderful0
beckxfabian.beA propos…react, create, frontend, designer, publisher0
weebee.beHow to present 27 different projects on a single web page? This was the challenge we faced with this mission. I decided to use a menu to link to the different sections of the page. In the "projects" section, each project is in a circle and, just like an Advent calendar, each circle hides an image…category, php, healthcare, jquery, bootstrap0
artofchocolate.beDriven by our passion for chocolate and thanks to the expertise of our professors in various fields, we want to perpetuate the Belgian chocolate savoir-faire from the bean to consumer philosophy to chocolate professionals around the world.von sass, sass ghanachocolate, bean, skills, consumer, passionate0
ingedt.beCompletely built a Drupal 8 website from scratch, front-end, back-end and sitebuilding. Created a new component-based theme in Gulp 4, with Bootstrap 4 as underlying front-end framework, loosely based on atomic design. Design is also done by me.drupal sass, sass gulp, sass webpackdeveloper, jquery, skills, bootstrap, current0
dju.beæ·±å�³å¸�永诺æ��å½±å�¨æ��è�¡ä»½æ��é��å�¬å�¸å®�æ�¹ç½�ç«�-å�½äº§é�ªå��ç�¯-LEDæ��å½±ç�¯-é�ªå��ç�¯è§¦å��å�¨-å®�æ�¶å¿«é�¨çº¿-æ� çº¿é�¥æ�§å¿«é�¨çº¿-YONGNUO, photographic photographic equipment, equipment, camera camera accessories, accessories, flash flash light, light, camera camera remote remote…sass basicphotography, light, photographer, lightroom, overflow0
mariodakhil.beBio… Skills… Projects…skills, developer, jquery, php, sql0
debondtrobbe.beSince I was young I've always had a passion with computers and electronics, how they worked and what they do. I began with simple commandline scripts to change the color of the terminal and went further and further in the IT world.css sass, sass javascriptghent, university, skills, idea, network0
jakobsoens.be…problem and made a prototype using Detecto library which uses a pretrained ResNet-50 FPN model as a base. This model is then used for transfer learning on my own dataset which contains wireframe elements. With these results I made a system which converts the different elements with there locationpython, algorithm, learn, research, maze0
timdemeyer.beMy name is Tim, 30 years old and currenlty working at Parkd as a front-end webdevloper. At Parkd we're creating an innovative app that is changing the way of paying for parking. This portfolio is dedicated to my 3 greatest passions: webdevelopment, photography and film.developer, photographer, lot, photography, knowledge0
miniplus.beJoeri Deplus - miniplus is a freelance full-stack javascript & front-end developer. Passionate about all web-related topics.developer, stack, passionate, profile, additional0
jolau.beJonas Laurens | Extremely motivated frontend developer. Using JavaScript, HTML and CSS to create amazing projects and user interfaces for everyone.sass scsscomic, frontend, css, interface, developer0
fulgens.beSince its creation, I feel that Fulgens brings a real expertise to our customers and provides what they seek : quality improvement but also more productivity. Thanks to my various experiences, I can concretely advise them on the setting up of processes that meet their needs.css sassprocess, opportunity, need, php, young0
bertverbanck.beAbout… Skillset… Projects… Contact…developer, skillset, bruges, person, nice0
daphnedelvaux.beDaphné Delvaux, Junior Frontend Developer, vous propose son Curriculum Vitae en version Webet sass, sass javascriptdeveloper, competence, frontend, curriculum, lao0
guermit.beAbderrahmane Guermit – Web Developer & Designerdeveloper, designer, php, bootstrap, nice0
codemountain.beThis application is an extension for the saas education platform Brightspace / Ufora from Ghent University. It offers extra functionalities that are not present in Brightspace, but that the University needs. This app was developed with the idea that a student does not realize that he has left the…php, inuit, laravel, symfony, ghent0
nanosix.beWay nor furnished sir procuring therefore but. Warmth far manner myself active are cannot called. Set her half end girl rich met. Me allowance departure an curiosity ye. In no talking address excited it conduct. Lire la suite…graphic, modeling, dev, designer, curiosity0
nawangtendar.beAZ Sint-Lucas Kids is a webapp to teach young children about AZ Sint-Lucas Hospital. The goal of this project is to take off the pressure of going to hospital and be fimilar with hospital with this colorful Lucas character.html sass, sass webpackgithub, firebase, adobe, view, difference0
webdesignacademy.beWe specialise exclusively in web development and web design courses , i.e. in the skills and technologies for designing, coding and programming websites or web applications, e.g.sass trainingcourse, accessibility, css, essential, price0
das-consulting.beDignissimos asperiores vitae velit veniam totam fuga molestias accusamus alias autem provident. Odit ab aliquam dolor eius.totam, velit, autem, veniam, consulting0
godced.beGodefroid Cédric | Godced Front-End Developer, Creative, Designer, UX, UI. Creation of website based in Liege.creative, ux, developer, creation, designer0
jeroendewelde.beIn this team-project, our client was Artevelde itself & we had to create a modern website with back-office to promote our own associate degree “Programming”.growth, typescript, react, degree, programming0