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250 Belgian websites relevant to the keyword: donation

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ikgeefgeluk.be1 in 6 couples don’t get pregnant within a year, sometimes due to problems with eggs. The solution? Donor eggs or egg donation. Will you donate happiness?egg donation, donation happiness, donation program, donation treatment, donation belgiumegg, candidate, happiness, pregnant, problem30
forwhatitsworth.beRunning FWIW takes a lot of time and money. But I keep it wholly Ad Free for readers' benefit. Donations are immensely helpful. . . If you derive any joy and value here, please consider becoming a Supporting Regular, with a modest recurring Monthly Donation of your choice, between a cup of tea and…money donation, donation engage, monthly donation, donation choice, recurring donationpiece, dream, night, choice, writing23
fundmebrussels.beVolunteers help easy using Fundraising WordPress Theme! Share the news and press releases to your focus group and complete charity causes using donations.project donation, donation list, amazing donation, donation engine, general donationvolunteer, fund, charity, lorem, purus15
liberaux-drogenbos.bePlease consider making a donation to support future development. Thank you for the right choice!activity donation, city donation, donation politicspolitical, volunteer, learn, politics, candidate14
asblmauricette.beSPREAD THE SMILE The ASBL Mauricette is a volunteer association, created in 1993, which aims to raise funds to support schooling projects for children living in slums in the Indian capital, New Delhi. These children live in extreme poverty. Make a donationindia donation, donation asbl, humanity donation, donation monthlychild, story, monthly, humanity, sponsorship13
abc-cinema.beThe King Baudouin Foundation has given us the weekly review of the account. There is currently €30,761 on the project’s account, to which we must add the standing orders over the year to come, the donations on the Paypal account and the latest transactions. Considering everything, we are at about…money donation, donation account, attention donation, donation campaign, additional donationbuild, owner, theatre, soon, petition10
clapandact.beThe specific missions of academic hospitals are under pressure. Ensure a future for them: transform your applause into donations.hospital, future, academic, specific, pressure9
gertrudisfoundation.beThe Gertrudis Foundation and the King Baudouin Foundation have agreed a partnership, which means that every donation to the King Baudouin Foundation goes in full to the Gertrudis Foundation with tax relief for donations over €40 made in the same year.church donation, donation gertrudis, partnership donation, donation king, relief donationtax, aim, furniture, church, artwork7
brugmannfoundation.beSupport the daily research activities of the Brugmann Foundation ! Transfer your donation to the following account number :support donation, donation legacy, recent donation, donation ambitious, annual donationresearch, elderly, risk, scientific, treatment7
relayforlife.beSupport the fight against cancer and make a donation to your Relay for Life, a team, or to a team member.cancer donation, donation relayactivity, saturday, fight, volunteer, survivor7
hinoa.beThe war in Ukraine has left a deep impression on all of us after watching the recent news, in my own network I’ve know a lot of competitors who are currently suffering under the conflicts. this made me do a gesture of a donation on cleaning rolls to clean of the dus or use of …donation ukraine, gesture donation, donation rollknowledge, general, trade, waste, commodity7
digitalpourtous.beThe partner associations , crucial for the donations distribution, had the chance to meet each others and to exchange their ideas.euro donation, donation external, crucial donation, donation distributionlearn, annual, refugee, battery, external7
eyesfortheworld.beWould you like to become part of the Eyes For The World ® project? Donate now by selecting one of our donation plans:individual donation, donation coin, project donation, donation plan, table donationeye, glass, number, problem, self6
lapetitebande.be"MUSICA MEDICINA DOLORUM" is the wise saying that Thierry Bosquet painted in a baroque scene for the 50th anniversary of La Petite Bande, of which you can obtain a beautiful print at LPB, with a small donation to the orchestra (see the contribution on this website).free donation, donation la, small donation, donation orchestra, friend donationstring, music, friend, record, orchestra6
laboiboite.beWelcome to the Starving No More member's page, we will update the donation report regularly and organise more charity activities to bring changes and peace to the world!donation process, page donation, donation reportchild, household, poverty, hunger, process6
fape-engie.beOne year later, thanks to your voluntary donations, FAPE ENGIE Belgium can now sponsor specific job-creation projects developed by associations and bodies working in Belgium to fight against exclusion and promote the occupational integration of people facing hardship. Based on several projects…voluntary donation, donation fapefund, background, cooperation, french, netherlands6
transplant.beThe board of the Belgian Transplantation Society discussed several aspects concerning COVID-19 and organ donation and transplantation.donation awards, organ donation, donation transplantationtransplant, society, congress, activity, organ5
ondernemersvoorondernemers.beThe 2022 OVO project portfolio brings together all the projects that can be supported financially this year. Either through a loan to a company or through a donation to an NGO project.company donation, donation ngofinancing, fund, acceleration, easy, bakery5
stemcelldonor.beHave you heard of stem cell donation? In the media, there are a lot of reports about seriously ill people who are saved by stem-cell therapy or who are urgently looking for a donor. The Belgian Bone Marrow Donor Registry manages a database that storcell donation, donation mediumcell, registry, therapy, bone, ill5
4stroke.beIf you wish to have 100% of your donation used, please use this option. No fees for you and me, so 100% of your donations can be used for hosting and the acquisition of documentation. Thank you!fee donation, donation hosting, declaration donation, donation charity, website donationmanual, number, list, chart, price5
toimoi1panda.beYou can make a donation to the Foundation at any time on the account managed by KU Leuven :generosity donation, donation event, number donation, donation foundation, form donationlaw, road, sister, neutral, research5
heartfulnessmeditation.beHeartfulness practices are accessible to all and offered FREE. However any donation will allow other people to discover and benefit from the benefits of the Heartfulness method.financial donation, quick donation, donation paypal, donation foundation, free donationmeditation, method, book, heart, consciousness5
ntab.beEach year we reserve a major part of our financial surplus for a donation to NT properties in Britain. We select the most suitable beneficiaries bearing in mind that we aim to give substantial exposure to our association and to support projects, preferably with a Belgian connection, for which we…surplus donation, donation nttrust, member, membership, uk, committee4
churchofscotland.beIf you would like to donate to Christian Aid, please send your donation to the church account and mention ‘Christian Aid’ in the communication. Bank account details are: Account no. (IBAN): BE83 3631 3549 6815financial donation, donation offering, aid donation, donation churchchurch, scotland, andrew, sunday, aid4
animalrights.beAnimal Rights is entirely dependent on donations and receives no subsidies. Support us with a donation:dependent donation, donation subsidypower, human, netherlands, hunting, individual4
fmfb.be…Mieke Cannie. The aim is to promote research in fetal medicine. Besides, the FMF Belgium organizes a number of annual conferences for Belgian Doctors with the purpose to improve health care of the pregnant woman. Since about 1 year, donations helped to finance various projects in fetal medicine:woman donation, donation fetal, year donation, donation projectmedicine, pregnant, research, woman, aim3
plukrijp.beFor the moment, I am investing myself so that Plukrijp is more anchored in the local landscape. This seems important and appropriate to me in the context of permaculture. More and more local people find their way to our garden and become familiar with the system of free donations. In my view, this…free donation, donation view, donation new, donation magictuesday, garden, volunteer, author, harvest3
sisterart.beYour donations allow SisterArt non-profit association to create artistic performances, publish chronicles on artists and support Belgian institutions - museums, galleries, foundations - independent or not.donation sisterartartist, creation, artistic, conditioning, theme3
beablessing.bethe faces of the relieved parents — now with one less thing to worry about. When all of the children had been served, we cleaned and reorganized the remaining donations into the Shelter’s school supply closet. And through all of this work, I believe WE were the ones most energized by the experience.willing donation, donation tank, confirmation donation, donation directly, child donationblessing, child, family, today, thing3
ride-up.beof Te Gek !? and To Walk Again. Peter will be on the road for more than 200 days to complete this challenge. A period in which Peter will make many special memories. You too can be part of this. . Choose which stage you want to support and receive a personalized postcard from a donation of 75 euros:postcard donation, donation eurobike, ride, favor, goal, health3
africalia.beInnovation, inspiration, passion… African culture is alive and kicking! Support our projects. Make a donation and become an active member of our creative movement!project donation, donation activeafrican, cultural, creative, artist, sustainable3
towalkagain.beThat it was a difficult year, we don't need to tell anyone anymore. It was a year of creative adaptation, a year of hopeful dreaming, a year of trial and error. Make a donation and join To Walk Again in making dreams come true! Believe together, hope together, give hope together!error donation, donation dreamexercise, research, technology, gift, cut3
alchemyoflife.beDonation based Soundjourney18MARCH, 2019We decided to regularly host Soundjourneys at our place and so far it's been really great. We really enjoy the positive feedback and the cozy talks that happen afterwards. The general idea is to host it...donation soundjourneyhealthy, story, medicine, thrive, inn3
muzeuml.bedonations: family joost laroy (2 outdoor sculptures) // willy cauwelier (outdoor sculpture: 'green floating light line') // martine platteau: bench 3°7'45 ” // jeanpierre galeyn - shelter // company delta light (indoor lighting)min donation, donation europractical, light, real, noon, exhibition3
alcuinfonds.beIt is possible to make a bequest or a donation to the Alcuin Fund, which will be subject to the same tax benefit structure as its umbrella foundation, the King Baudouin Foundation.bequests donation, bequest donation, donation alcuinfund, educational, education, organization, outside3
doggybaggy.beThe right of return lapses the moment you have clicked on the link that you received after purchase. If you have not clicked on the link, you can send a message using the return form and write that you have regretted your purchase. The link will then be canceled and you will receive back your…form, goodness, return, fill, quick3
runforeurope.be*The registration fee is €8 of which €6 is a donation to Unicef. €2 is a fee charged by the virtual race platform Atlas Go. The organizers are not making any profit from this event.button donation, donation page, fee donation, donation unicefrun, current, registration, practical, virtual2
nutstrail.beThe donations and part of the profits from NUTS TRAIL will be used to support current or former members of the Belgian Special Forces and their family members in times of adversity, in tribute to their courage, dedication and sacrifice.rate, supply, arrival, bag, gift2
eenhartvoorsifoe.beWith our project, ‘A heart for Sifoe’, we help people in and around Sifoe meet their medical and educational needs and so give them a chance to build a better future for themselves . Your generous donations allow us to set up all kinds of projects over there. Once a year, in February, we visit…generous donation, donation kind, donation organisationheart, february, picture, march, generous2
creativeartsbelgium.beWant to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow.sure donation, donation advantagecreative, creativity, learn, music, organization2
concertinthecave.beThank you so much for your enthousiasm by buying tickets and by generously donating. We would to keep the donations to help us organise the concert again and will refund the tickets bought. We will ask everyone that bought a ticket if they would like to be informed when we know more. If you did…generously donation, donation concert, jayadev donation, donation pagechange, heart, climate, january, march2
3s.be…the visitor himself can find what he wants to know about a painting or sculpture. People are also more inclined to fill in a survey or make a donation via an information kiosk, because they no longer carry cash around in their wallets. • Quick to update : Do you have new information that you…survey donation, donation informationpayment, screen, measurement, ergonomic, standard2
janmastami.beOne of the most important services is to provide the necessary funds for the festival to facilitate the spiritual seekers. Our Janmastami festival is entirely relied on the donations from well-wishing sponsors. For this reason we have created three donation packages which you can choose from.entirely donation, donation sponsor, reason donation, donation packagepackage, straight, annual, able, lifetime2
acr-felisetcanis.be…a sterilization action, purchase of a trolley, etc... We want to report this regularly on the site and on our various facebook pages. All donations go directly to the shelters or rescuers. We hope you enjoy viewing our site, to which a lot will be added in the coming weeks, so come back…sponsor donation, donation example, page donation, donation directlyfelis, dog, help, course, saving2
cauchie.beIf you wish to support us, you can contact us , make a donation , visit the House during our openings and spread the word around you.reservation, history, beautiful, taste, hypothesis2
rosaryontheborders.beIf you want to help us, you can make a donation on the account of «Rosaire aux frontières » IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC : ARSPBE22. It will help us pay for the posters, flyers, prayer booklets and postal charges. We would be very grateful to you.prayer, jesus, heart, peace, october2
caritasinternational.beWhat would we be without you and your generosity? Thanks to your donation, you contribute to the fight against hunger, poverty, and violence. Together, we offer a second chance to people who need it the most.information donation, thank donation, donation fightasylum, emergency, migration, victim, poverty2
gradaran.beThe current collection is mainly the result of donations from members of the community, and the library is managed by an energetic team of volunteers. To support us, you can make a donation to the account BE31 0359 1129 7055 with the communication “library donation”. If you would like to join the…result donation, donation member, volunteer donation, donation account, library donationcart, literature, library, history, language2
womendotcode.beWe're currently still busy planning and raising funds, more info soon! Check our donation page if you want to send a monetary gift.soon donation, donation pagewoman, story, membership, member, edition2
in-deed.beWe accompany you in Brussels, the Walloon Region and the Flemish Region on all notarial domains: notarial deeds, authentic deeds, private deeds, drafting of deeds, sale agreement, real estate sales, donations, inheritance rights, asset management, marriage contract, testament, real estate…sale donation, donation inheritancenotary, estate, law, financial, tax2
uana.beIf you want to become our financial partner, you can transfer a donation to the account of UANÁ, ASBLpartner donation, donation accountmusic, artistic, child, brazil, cultural2
anna.beAnna would like to get sponsored. Please consider a donation . (more info here ) bruges chambres d'hotesanna donation, donation infopossibility, method, money, payment2
classneo495.beHow else can you help us? Talk about us around you, become a member or a volunteer, make a free donation via this site, buy our goodies or offer hours of navigation to someone!free donation, donation siteclass, sailing, member, discovery, competition1
okapi-spelotheek.beInfo We are currently in the process of setting up a first toy library. It will be called Speel'Bieb Genk and will open on September 11. While you cannot borrow anything yet, we are already accepting toy donations. Read more .library, cheerful, sustainability, uk, goal1
restitutionbelgium.beOne of the first groups to engage in collecting were military and other representatives of King Leopold II, who were not all Belgians. They collected both on their own initiative and by order of the sovereign and Congo Free State. Some pieces were acquired through purchase, as barter items or…items donation, donation artefactcolonial, cultural, origin, heritage, research1
shakeinconservation.becontributing by offering time, sharing knowledge, giving materials, or making a donation (or any other way)material donation, donation wayknowledge, talk, meet, share, list1
enaura.beIf you would like to support us, please visit one of our events or make a donation into our account BE67 7512 1018 4387.event donation, donation accountmusic, teacher, musician, child, activity1
adhd-edu.beADHD, ASC & LD Belgium relies on the support of our community to sustain our work. Your donations are vital. See how you can help us!work donation, donation vitalautism, membership, course, woman1
virtualidentity.beIf you enjoyed yourself, consider a donation to keep this site free and ad-free. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thanks.identity, virtual, technology, reality, artificial1
thehotel-brussels.beThe Museum was founded in 1801 by Napoleon Bonaparte, but it was in 1830, with Belgian independence, that it really became a major institution. In 1913, de Grez donation enriched the collection with more than 4,000 works on paper dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries (Hendrick Goltzius…grez donation, donation collectionmeeting, view, comic, luxury, superior1
curiousgroup.beAlthough a garage sale might seem like the most lucrative way to downsize your belongings, it might actually save more time to simply donate your things to a thrift shop or a charity. Goodwill is always looking for extra clothes and toys. You might even be able to write some of your donations off…able donation, donation taxisroof, improvement, wood, thing, leave1
allsaints.beClick here to read the article from the Episcopal News Service featuring All Saints' and its work with regufees in need. Please visit the Facebook page of Refugee Support for information on how you can help and what specifically is needed for donations.church, sunday, ministry, parish, staff1
hopeandjustice.be…of different villages of Nikpi Valley, humanitarian aid has been distributed fairly. They will try to serve the underprivileged. These meager donations of young people living in Europe and Canada today successfully distributed food packages to 650 needy families in the Nikpi Valley and Doshi…meager donation, donation younghope, child, today, charity, family1
flopclass.beWeb wilkes barre, pa 18702 closed now from business: Web situated at 739 sans souci pkwy null, wilkes barre in undefined, the salvation army family store & donation center is a thrift store offering clothing, home accessories,. The salvation army thrift store & donation. Web the salvation army…store donation, donation center, donation webarmy, salvation, class, list, affair1
onscri.beInterested in learning how they compare to other forms of monetizing, like donations and banners ads?like donation, donation bannersubscription, pricing, easy, learn, payment1
igsprotect.beAll deeds, invoices, announcements, publications, letters, order notes, website and other documents, whether electronic or not, which are paid by a company or an internal service must mention the authorization for donations company or internal service.authorization donation, donation companyprotect, activity, property, authorization, control1
centreforchildren.beYour donation will be used to support the activities of our practice centres of the Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations. In these centres, in Northern Uganda and Eastern Congo, psychotherapeutic support services are provided to war-affected children, youth, their families and communities.research, child, ccv, vulnerable, youth1
omfsimpath.beShould you wish to support this research, you can contribute through donation. For more information click on the link below or contact Prof. dr. Constantinus Politis.research donation, donation informationresearch, surgery, artificial, radiation, tooth1
srilanka-netsandboats.beFUNDS collected by "Nets and Boats asbl" will be allocated to replace (or repair) smashed catamarans and destroyed fishing nets. DONATIONS will be distributed through the appropriate representative of each fishing community based on its specific fishing requirements.net donation, donation appropriateboat, fishing, charity, region, family1
vizion-web.beThe new way to have crypto-currency donations, directly visible from your stream ! The site will take more and more crypto-currencies as time goes on. Thanks to the link generated in your account, you can encode it in the OBS browser field to display the donations.currency donation, donation directlyjava, course, transaction, thank, goal1
brusselsjazzalert.beIt is possible to make a small (or large) donation and allow these exciting bands to continue on their musical path.large donation, donation excitingupcoming, music, sound, movement, flower1
nicc.beMembership is free for the first year, In the second year, you will be asked for a donation. You can always support us, BE79 7350 4576 9133. If you make a donation please mention 'membership 2022'. Thank you!year donation, donation membershipprogram, artist, member, membership, presentation1
1727.bePlease donate to the 1727 Collective by sneding money to BE47 5230 8050 0880 (account in the name of member Comité Opale-Opaal Wijkcomité. Every penny, cent or euro will only be spent for our defence at the Conseil d’Etat. We promise that every contributor can, at simple demand, check the…build, petition, citizen, region, permit1
kajdemuynck.beTo spread awareness about organ donation we were tasked by our school to design a website for OverLeven DoorGeven. Our task was to attract as much attention as we can while also informing them about the benefits of becoming an organ donor.organ donation, donation schooltill, august, skills, movie, motion1
kiyo-ngo.beVia a donation on IBAN: BE 13 4350 2585 6139 / BIC: KREDBEBB or online via our donation form.online donation, donation formvalue, youth, governance, integrity, country1
belsect.beAs every year we have our annual meeting together with the first educative evening. Block the 13th of March 2019 for our General Assembly after a promising talk about organ donation after circulatory death. Please take a look at the agenda of the General Assembly. If you would like to add a point…organ donation, donation circulatorymember, meeting, society, evening, report1
hiraeth.beDo you want to support the project? You can make a donation to the account number BE712900 1660 1569 mentioning ‘Hiraeth’. All support is welcome. Thanks a lot!project donation, donation accountplay, august, july, italy, sunday1
newtri.beNew Tribe Media is attentive and very responsive. They listen to our goals, work to understand our challenges and collaborate to find the best ways to support our mission. Our social media approach goes beyond increasing awareness about organ, tissue and eye donation. We strive to create a…eye donation, donation community, community donation, donation transplantationtribe, purpose, creativity, cart, result1
bluemondaypeople.beWe are very grateful to all the people who participated in our crowd funding and in private donations. Without you this album wouldn’t have seen the light!private donation, donation albummonday, soul, listen, june, march1
avocat-vdb.beShe intervenes in litigation relating to family estates: liquidating matrimonial property, division, gifts, donations, and estates.gift donation, donation estatefamily, lawyer, child, fluent, purpose1
benevelo.beYou can also transfer an amount of your choice directly into the account of the charity 'Kom op tegen kanker’ BE03 4886 6666 6684 of ‘Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker, Koningsstraat 217, 1210 Brussel’, clearly mentioning gift 110-253-861 . Donations of 40 euro and upwards entitle you to a tax receipt.gift donation, donation eurocharity, switzerland, money, antwerp, proceed1
multi-mania.beThe Sewanee Writers ‘Association Conference is a writers’ conference is held every summer on the campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee . The conference was founded in 1989 by director Wyatt Prunty and is largely financed by a donation from the estate of renowned American…largely donation, donation estateconference, february, list, american, linguistic1
hairstudioexclusif.beHair Studio Exclusif supports Vzw Think Pink in their project to encourage as much woman as possible to care for their hair, to grow it and finally to cut it for donation. In this way we can help women who are suffering from breast cancer. For more information visit the website of Geef Om Haar .finally donation, donation waystep, woman, finally, child, breast1
remant.beRemant Transport Architects is making a second sizeable donation of hardware to the organization CloseTheGap.sizeable donation, donation hardwarelogistics, custom, freight, market1
bone4kids.beYou can support the Bone4Kids fund by making a donation, as a private or as a company, or by organizing an event. You can do this by filling out our contact form.fund donation, donation privatebone, dutch, child, fund, leg1
boudelo.beThe Boudelo monastery took over the rigid Cistercian rule (1215-1216) and gradually grew into a very well organised farm, due to material help from the Count of Flanders and countless donations.abbey, century, history, monastery, building1
pascalborry.beHis main research activities are concentrated on the ethical, legal and social implications of innovative technologies. He works mainly on the ethical aspects of human genetics, organ donation and anti-doping. He published more than 200 publications in international peer reviewed journals.organ donation, donation antibiography, collaborator, human, primary, genomic1
plasma-industries.be3.5 million international donations each year for a selected number of dedicated partners, our services help their patients worldwide to safe and effective treatments which improve the quality of their lives.international donation, donation yearindustry, manufacture, history, logistics, leadership1
quondam.beOn Quondam, which means “before” in Latin, we want to revive the tournaments of back then. In the oldest known certificate of Berlaar, “Apud Berlar” (1236), is written about divers, successive donations by Gilles II Berthout, the Lord of Berlaer. He used to live in ‘t Hooghuys. Probably, he got…successive donation, donation gillestournament, fight, volunteer, knight, tavern1
skalloween.beDue to the smaller nature of this years edition, we cannot offer a "free donation" shuttle bus. Here are a few numbers of taxi's you could contact:free donation, donation shuttledrink, cost, bird, inn, venue1
jennymontigny.beAfter the sudden death of Emile Claus in June 1924, his widow Charlotte Dufaux transformed the studio in Villa Zonneschijn into a ‘museum’. Charlotte Dufaux only died in 1952, amply outliving the master and his ‘dearest’ pupil. And she did not want to accept the generous donation of Montigny’s…generous donation, donation montignycredit, artist, london, ghent, young1
yogaroots.be, and 1 meditation session, for private one-to-one classes go here: Monday 12h30-13h30 Hatha yoga Tuesday 18h30-20h00 Hatha yoga Wednesday 10h30-11h30 Somatic yoga, relaxation & meditationFriday 9h00-9h30 Meditation (only online, donation-based class)Friday 12h30-13h30 Hatha yoga Sign up for…online donation, donation hathameditation, approach, space, course, upcoming1
lesbourgeonsdelapaix.beThis plugin is also more simple and easy, donation engine is well structured. There is no complex function here.easy donation, donation engineorphan, volunteer, ipsum, nunc, felis1
musicteachersontour.beIf you would like to support us, please visit one of our events or make a donation into our account BE67 7512 1018 4387.event donation, donation accountmusic, teacher, musician, upcoming, varied1
petits-bouts-kontum-en.beAny donation of at least 40 Euro or more per calendar year is tax-deductible via your tax return.achievement, history, gallery, health, heart1
jslo-shelterhome.beWe know giving requires commitment and sacrifice, so we are very thankful for and encouraged by your donations. As a nonprofit organisation, we’re grateful to all our partners like you in helping children. Jomelos goal in 2021 is to raise 25,000 euros to complete the remaining part of Jomelos…thankful donation, donation nonprofitchild, build, founder, risk, family1
artwhere.beAdaptive home page based on news and events in the development of content blocks, a home page of the type of a news site with lots of content (news, events, press releases and others), the establishment of call-to-action for donations and participatory side and an operating depth of the search…action donation, donation participatorycreation, graphic, network, engine, form1
hansa-flex.beSocial commitment is particularly important in difficult times. Accordingly we are continuing our "Donations instead of gifts" Christmas campaign this year with three new aid projects for people in the Global South.accordingly donation, donation insteadhose, hydraulic, learn, area, industrial1
bloedserieus.beAll Bloedserieus activities are going ahead as planned. So don’t hang around, because we still need your donation! Are you unwell or not feeling great? Then we ask you to stay at home, as usual.ahead donation, donation unwellantwerp, ghent, legal, notification, yes1
besox.beIndependent and specialized financial advice on loans,investments, capital accumulation, donations & taxation.accumulation donation, donation taxationinsurance, number, landing, staff, vacancy1
lcmt.be13 h 30. Special moment: handing over the LCMT-donation to Oliver ' Ollie ' Schouppe. For the occasion, his parents have the LCMT-jersey with them. Oliver pulls it on and poses proudly with me for the photo. On behalf of the LCMT organization and participants I was allowed to transfer to the…lcmt donation, donation oliverstart, road, edition, rider, bike1
firc.be…cross to be placed near the church of Kruiseke. But being a very small town, Kruiseke did not have a church..., however thanks to a financial donation of the Eden family, a small chapel got erected in 1928, followed later on by a modest church in the village centre. The first ceremony was held…financial donation, donation edendriver, overall, second, historic, challenge1
ouftimeet.beWe are going to start collecting monetary donations to help us in funding the Ouftimeets and organise special events.monetary donation, donation ouftimeetsguest, book, program, french, month1
silenceisgolden.beIf you don’t feel like buying an artwork, but still want to support us, you can also make a donation.exhibition, presentation, artist, relocation, june1
barkerandbones.beShare your purchase on social media and we donate €1 to BCG Belgium - Belgisch Centrum voor Geleidehonden . Turn your product photo's into a donation.dog, bone, natural, shipping, activity1
feros.beAs a young collective we don’t have any ongoing sources of funding and are largely dependent on participant donations . Those who can afford to contribute more, create space for others to contribute less (financially). We strive to offer our trainings to those who need them, regardless of their…participant donation, donation spaceresilience, learn, french, heart, space1
fulfilldreams.beFulfill Dreams is a project of PHIBA Foundation, a nonprofit organization, supported by the King Baudouin Foundation and the ASBL Vie d’Enfants. Donations for the projects are facilitated through its parent organization – DISOP Philippines.d’enfants donation, donation projectchild, education, dream, program, philippines1
thelocals.beThe Nomadic Geek: this program is made possible by a generous donation from Acxiom Corporation and it is designed to promote tech education, expose more people to the tech community in Conway, encourage them to learn from one another, and inspire creativity through fun projects and events. Read…generous donation, donation acxiomprogram, fresh, garden, friend, directory1
babyfluisteraar.beAs David is in my office, I focus on grief and find it in his belly: from when is it present? Before birth! (the pregnancy was not very welcome to the father since the relationship wasn't working. Also, the youngest brother of the mother had leukaemia and could only be rescued by stem cell…cell donation, donation motherchild, mother, old, relationship, pregnancy1
bpitconsulting.beIf you find this post useful, please consider buying me a virtual beer with a bitcoin donation: 3QhpQ5z5hbPXXRS8x6R5RagWVrRQ5mDEZ1file, powershell, count, share, category1
bcfund.beWe would be very grateful for your support – by making a donation you can directly assist in securing the future of the Fund. Please click on the link below to find details of how to donate.support donation, donation directlyfund, british, ball, help, duchess1
sosessaimbruxelles.beWe have many residents here at our zoo and we appreciate your support via tickets, food sales and gift shop purchases. But if you want to really help your favorite animal you can become one of their Sponsors! Contact our donations department to make your gift and we’ll put your name on the…sponsor donation, donation departmentmembership, sponsorship, discount, gift, exclusive1
wcud.beEvery financial contribution for the benefit of the street children is most welcome ! Our bank account number of non profit organisation vzw WCU-Dance is IBAN BE75 7370 3060 4351 BIC : KREDBEBB . Every euro of the donations is well spend.child, contest, youngster, unity, movement1
lenouveaudepart.beBecoming a cooperator does not mean making a donation or to become a sponsor. It means making an investment in a company whose main asset is buildings, which is an important sign of trust. Nevertheless, it is not without risks either, and we would like to refer you to the " Information note " on…cooperator donation, donation sponsormember, cooperative, start, fresh, space1
antwerpstudentfleet.beWe owe this success to you, our followers for your support, to the generous donors who thanks to your donations, have made this project possible, to the people who have spent time helping us in all our endeavours and to our sponsors who believe in our project and its vision!thank donation, donation projectfleet, antwerp, asf, available, maiden1
play4peace.beOur field of action is diverse and extends beyond sport. This involves sports activities, academic support, training, inspirational talk, the provision of our different spaces within the Play 4 Peace House to study or develop projects, the donation of school and sports equipment.project donation, donation schoolpeace, play, young, education, vector1
uplifters.behelping us find more fans of Uplifters by tagging our website in her or his social media post. Uplifters is not actively present on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram... However, we count on our fans to bring new customers to the webshop in order to be able to make bigger donations to charity in future.big donation, donation charitylate, future, gift, inform, purchase1
massenhof.beThank you for attending the 50th anniversary celebration and for the charitable donations! For those who still want to enjoy the party, you can find the pictures below of the cosy get-together and also pictures of nice memories of 50 years of campsites 't Massenhof and Park d'heule.charitable donation, donation partycampsite, peace, undoubtedly, stay, short1
casafenicia.be…Pottery allowed them to melt iron ore: the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao devoted the complete ground floor to the inventors of the siderurgy (donation of Mittal Steel). They melt gold ore to fancy and beautiful jewelry for the women worshiping fertility and femininity . They mastered melting…siderurgy donation, donation mittalandalusia, holiday, gallery, second, dreamy1
foret-naturalite.beWould you like to help us achieve our goals by dedicating time or a donation to our cause?time donation, donation causeactivity, ecological, opportunity, debate, investigation1
blue-print.beThis Apple II PS/2 keyboard adapter allows you to use a PS/2 keyboard on your Apple II / II+ / II europlus computer.donation collectionform, manual, board, availability, usually0
omrani.beFor more information and consultations, feel free to contact me to schedule an appointement. To optimize efficiency, please bring all relevant documents to the first appointement. Depending on the complexity of the matter, the first meeting may be sufficient to answer your query.inheritance donation, donation lawlaw, intellectual, property, estate, legal0
fert.beWe work closely together with the gynaecology department of Sint-Jan clinic, the Cebiodi laboratory and the university fertility centre of UZ Leuven.fertility, general, appointment, treatment, philosophy0
museephoto.beThe 1 st Sunday of the month enjoy free access to the permanent exhibitions and a reduced rate for temporary exhibitions.exhibition, temporary, access, visit, island0
nansen-refugee.berights and migration law. By combining legal expertise with an interdisciplinary approach to asylum, we strive to develop high-quality legal aid and make it available for all persons in need of international protection, . That way, we contribute to rendering their fundamental rights fully effective.refugee, legal, asylum, aid, person0
baef.beThe Foundation has selected education to achieve this purpose, with a special emphasis on the younger generation. Education implies excellence in teaching, research, professional practice, management, as well as citizenship. BAEF fosters the higher education of deserving Belgians and Americans…fellowship, american, committee, educational, research0
stopvingerafdruk.beStop The Fingerprint (Belgian legal campaign). – The legal way to freedom, liberty and privacy.donation newslegal, campaign, freedom, choice, cart0
lesgazellesdebruxelles.beOur Mission… Partners & support… How did it start?… Why run?… Our runners… Thurn & Taxis Park 1… Thurn…run, calendar, health, board, competition0
education-all.beThe Foundation aims to promote the education of poor people in underdeveloped countries. To achieve its goal, the Foundation will be realized particularly through raising funds to finance and to facilitate access to education and providing the centres with books and materials.education, book, poor, goal, country0
suffix.be…in Firefox… Logging solar photovoltaic output with Arduino… Google Maps Alternatives… Project Hail…frequent donation, donation openruby, file, linux, arduino, programming0
micrapatrol.beMy name is Kayten, as you can see, I'm a first generation Nissan Micra and I'm off on a Mystery Tour!travel, charity, july, generation0
wijnactierotary.beAt checkout you can choose to have the wine delivered to you personally. If you have ordered more than EUR 250, this will be free. In any other case, we will have to charge a delivery fee of EUR 20. You can always choose to have the wine delivered to your Rotary contact. He will then see with you…donation eurwine, wishlist, view, quick, white0
android34.be…to recognize your browser when you visit the website (called a "session cookie") or on future repeat visits (called a "persistent cookie"). Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you visit or by partners with whom this website collaborates. The server of a website can only read…value, default, month, child, network0
fondationsaint-jean.beWe support the Domino programme, a psychiatric unit for children, within the Clinic St Jean.help, child, objective, story, success0
alianza-venezolano-belga.beAlianza Venezolano Belga is a non-profit association whose goal is to promote the cultural exchange between Venezuela and Belgium.cultural, exchange, goal, today, upcoming0
kuleuven.beAt KU Leuven and UZ Leuven, our researchers and students work together to develop new insights and sustainable innovations. With over 200 charities, we drive progress in education and research, healthcare and culture, at home and far beyond. Our aim is to help society face current and future…research, study, academic, university, researcher0
brima.beMusic Academy BRIMA provides individual and group courses of music, initiation to music, music theatre, music workshops. Also preparation for international exams (including ABRSM).music, exam, lesson, individual, course0
miespaties.beA few months ago I met Elizabeth Verhetsel , policy adviser on youth and sexuality at Sensoa. She was setting up her own company to help organisations develop services with a human-centered approach. Not too many meetings later we decided that combining my experience with service design with Lies'…kilo donation, donation conceptdesigner, youth, education, bruges, volunteer0
voedselverlies.be…possible and to valorize food waste as highly as possible, in line with European objectives. The long term objective is to reduce food losses in Flanders with 30% by 2025. By 2020 we want to achieve a 15% reduction in food losses. The roadmap consists of 9 action programmes with 57 actions…loss, flanders, chain, prevention, supply0
artintelli.beDue to problems we had getting the project (Livinoids - The Game) up and running on Kickstarter, Livinoids - The Game is cancelled and all focus is on Livinoid Studio, currently under development by Geert Masureel.sponsoring donation, donation sponsoringdiscover, artificial, human, general, realistic0
lsdg.bea not-for-profit organization gathering professionals from the building sector with experience in development aid and the spirit of bringing high expertise on a voluntary basis to remote local communitiesprocess, material, masonry, reference, agricultural0
lup.beLeuven University Press is an academic press of international standing. The press publishes high-quality academic titles in a broad range of fields including music, art & theory, architecture, media & visual culture, text & literature, history & archaeology, philosophy, society, gender & diversity.book donation, donation universityhistory, series, music, access, philosophy0
memisa.beMemisa is an NGO that promotes universal health coverage with a focus on the most vulnerable populations. Memisa reaches more than 7 million people in 5 African countries and in India. Improving maternal health is one of Memisa’s key priorities.worldwide, country, health, hospital, number0
ag-group.beA & G FUNERAL GROUP is an experienced 100% Belgian company, offering high-quality funeral services accessible to all.body donationfuneral, package, wish, idea, flower0
hetrozehuis.beHave you got questions or doubts about your sexuality or gender identity, or do you simply need a chat?reception, list, member, heart, antwerp0
demiurge.beM. Birattari, A. Ligot, D. Bozhinoski, M. Brambilla, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, F. Pagnozzi, A. Roli, M. Salman, T. Stutzle , "Automatic off-line design of robot swarms: a manifesto" , Frontiers in Robotics and AI , vol. 6, 59, 2019 .fnrs donation, donation campaignswarm, automatic, science, robotic, research0
cumcura.beOur goal is creating a true approachable caring community for and by patients and their environment, a supportive community for better and for worse. The organization unites several patient-subgroups, among which Sarcoma Cum Cura, Desmoid Cum Cura and Giant Cell Tumors Cum Cura. There are general…story, illness, volunteer, clothing, leaflet0
beanz.beBeanz is a digital agency located in the beautiful town of Nazareth, Belgium. With a focus on bold, daring and clean webdesign, we want to make your project stand out. We put our heart, soul and coffee addiction into making the experience of your product as awesome as possible for everyone who…webshop donationcoffee, awesome, idea, heart, agency0
nn.beWe also work closely with several Belgian banks: ING, Deutsche Bank and Bank Nagelmackers. The bank in question acts as an 'insurance intermediary', while NN Insurance Belgium nv is the 'insurer'.insurance, death, damage, individual, saving0
chain-hope.beChain of Hope Belgium supports children's health through medical care, both in Belgium and in partner countries.donation bequestchain, hope, child, abroad, healthcare0
olm.beOLM Parish General Data Protection Regulationregistration donationparish, religious, education, registration, council0
securechat.beWe will never monitor our users speach or ban them for speaking with their friends. Privacy is our fundamental right which is why our service is completely free!messaging, presence, german, russian, register0
uma.beUMA & UBA publish together a complete Report on the Media Investments in the Belgian market in 2021, including the Share of Digital, the Share of the ‘direct’ Investments and offline Media.agency, united, report, complete, market0
greenhope.be35€/month (420€/year) provide a child resources for school, shelter, food and clothing without which, the child might not be able to attend school.involve donation, donation differencehope, poor, child, farmer, material0
refugeopvanghuis.beLe Refuge Bruxelles is one of the 5 partners of the European project RainboWelcome, which aims to improve the welcome conditions of LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees in Europe.study, history, refugee, learn, young0
ouaga.be…VI hospital organised by Medics without Vacation will take place. The project continuity, though, is assured: in addition to our regular work the transition to the OUAGA Paul VI project will be discussed and organised. This means that the last MWV mission is at the same time the first OUAGA missionorthopaedic, hospital, medical, surgeon, member0
greenblend.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ita redarguitur ipse a sese, convincunturque scripta eius probitate ipsius ac moribus.story, late, join, generosity, consectetur0
pag-asa.bePAG-ASA provides support to victims of human trafficking, offering a springboard towards autonomy and reintegration. We advocate for the rights of all victims, and we fight every day for a Belgium where human trafficking no longer exists.victim, human, trafficking, help, activity0
kbr.beAs the country’s national library, KBR collects all Belgian publications. We preserve, manage and study more than 8 million documents, a rich cultural and historical heritage.book donationkbr, conference, music, library, cultural0
dominiquevandenhove.beOur new app allows you to follow along on Sundays to read the bible verse, see the main sermon topics, and get updates on our latest events.donation detailnorth, sunday, kitchen, beginning, thank0
gwcf.beMy name is David Titangoh . I am a Christian, counselor and an evangelist, preaching the love of God to people of all races. I firmly believe in giving back to those in need and providing them with light and direction to issues of life through wise and Godly counsel. The Foundation avails the…prevention, depression, medical, learn, charity0
wastewise.beWaste from the Renewable Energy Sector and E-Waste in India | with Brajesh Dubey... June 29, 2022 | be Waste Wisewaste, wise, panel, august, view0
emieldenyspigeons.beJolynpigeons - Denys pigeons, Emiel denijs barcelona pigeons, pipa, pitts,Barcelona,KBDB,racepigeons, Emiel Denys,Denyspigeon donation, donation yearth, mother, daughter, country, bird0
businessgame.beLearn more...… alphonse… Heimdallr… Hall of Fame… Become a donator!… News… Developers… Contact…game donationvirtual, player, learn, fame, developer0
hairrecycle.beCollect cut hair in hair bags, supplied in unlimited quantities year round. Hair Recycle takes care of regularly collecting your filled bags.recycle, bag, hairdresser, member, usable0
oddyc.beto carry out development projects in a participatory and sustainable dynamic. Its projects are geared towards the emancipation of individuals and communities. For this purpose the association directs its actions towards the improvement of the living conditions and teachings of the local populations.access, improve, municipality, report, solidarity0
exchangevzw.beIn an increasingly global and digital world, Digital Nomads are more then ever part of the workplace. In order to also provide support to our partners remotely, Exchange is launching its online initiative Exchange MasterClass . In this MasterClass African companies receive support in designing and…exchange, african, report, measurement, win0
caritas.beCaritas in Belgium groups the Caritas organisations active in and from Belgium at local, regional and federal level. Caritas In Belgium represents its members at Caritas Europa and at Caritas Internationalis.donation onlinepoverty, refugee, solidarity, flanders, volunteer0
basstoerestrijder.beBas is a 10- year old boy when hardship hits him on november the 5th 2015. He crashes while practising on the footbalfield. The diagnosis hits us like a rock: dilated cardiomyopathy. Bas' heart fastly deteriorates and on february the 3rd 2016 he ends up on the waiting list for a…story donation, donation transplantationheart, wait, diagnosis, old, february0
b2bal.beWe reshape old materials into new points of light Wij herbewerken gebruikte materialen tot prachtige lichtpuntenlight, material, old, gallery, price0
premaculture.bePremaculture is a new way of eco farming developed with the love principle (prema). Eco farming with love is the new permaculture.love, farming, click, principle, education0
ghana4you.beGhana4You has very good partnership with 2 organisations with many realisations in Ghana: SupPORT Ghana organises from Belgium a lot of activities en supports many project in the Kpando-region (Volta-region - Eastern Ghana). G4U has learned a lot of SupPORT-Ghana from the methods they use, the…money, gift, reduction, child, health0
siddartha.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ornare, libero vitae posuere euismod, dui velit imperdiet diam, molestie ultricies elit orci vitae purus. Praesent hendrerit, nulla vel sodales porttitor, justo nunc venenatis metus, sed pulvinar ante dui non ex. Cras pretium…help donationipsum, sit, elit, dolor, amet0
neutrinet.beEvery 3rd Sunday of the month, 2PM - 6PM. Open to everyone, bring your laptops, cubes and friends…friend, month, meeting, language, install0
passagesasbl.beGive or Redeem Gift Cards Donate in Honor Project of the Month Club Start a Fundraiser Donor Resourcesdonation listing, donation gridgrid, wide, education, sidebar, width0
aere-egke.beSince 1925 the Association publishes Chronique d'Égypte , a journal of high scholarly level, with the cooperation of numerous Belgian and foreign specialists. - More infoscholarly, egypt, february, director, general0
chailifeline.beChai Lifeline Belgium supports over 120 families battling serious illness, crisis, and loss, across Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland.family, illness, volunteer, loss, switzerland0
icator.beICATOR is launching an international campaign to file a class action lawsuit against neuro torture. Many people worldwide are affected by secret torture programs and clandestine research with neuro weapons. We are the first Human Rights organisation worldwide to raise money to take legal action…membership donationmind, control, member, frequency, electronic0
pakistanembassy.beThe Independence Day of Pakistan was observed with patriotic zeal and spirit in a graceful ceremony at the Embassy of Pakistan, Brussels today. The national flag of the country was hoisted by Pakistan’s Ambassador to [...]pakistan, embassy, independence, consular, republic0
rbzs.beThe Royal Belgian Society for Zoology and its Belgian Journal of Zoology continue in a long scientific tradition devoted to the promotion of zoology and to the publication of research in zoology. This tradition goes back to 1863, when the "Société malacologique de Belgique" was founded in Brussels…membership donationsociety, grant, abroad, researcher, meeting0
desirecollenstichting.beThe Foundation is incorporated by means of an authentic instrument signed before Notary Frank Liesse in Antwerp on February 20, 2015 by Mr. Désiré Collen, born in Sint-Truiden, Belgium on June 21, 1943, residing at Swan Court, Flat 33, Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RX, United Kingdom. This…trust, research, education, board, report0
fivette.beWhen natural fertilization fails to occur, various tests can be carried out (blood tests, sperm analysis, ultrasound scan and other medical imaging, endoscopy and other interventions) to establish a diagnosis of infertility and thus guide you towards the appropriate treatment.sperm, insemination, engine, dynamic, joomla0
velotourism.beThe goal of VéloTourism is to make education available to all. With the profits we will fund the school fees of as many children as possible. €200,00 = 1 year of education for 1 child.select, woman, sock, edition, running0
5dehavendok.be5de Havendok NV is specialized in the handling and storage of dry bulk and general cargo. Together with our sister company Hargo Logistics BVBA we can offer you a complete logistic package handled by our highly skilled staff. Our variety of services includes forwarding, stevedoring, customs…logistics, agency, build, capacity, certificate0
byrrrhandskate.beLevi Strauss & Co., Raion, Thunder Trucks, Transind Skate Distribution, Project Communication Europe, Spitfire Wheels, Ride All Daymerch, friday, upcoming, reservation, monday0
shape-the-future.beAt Strand , we believe every company has an obligation to shape a better future for the next generation. That is why we joined forces with our staff in order to create a better future for childeren in Brussels & Nepal!future, picture, result, generation, organization0
rd9.belong established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution more..blood donationipsum, lorem, text, available, variation0
isupportmygoodcause.beYou can use the dynamic fields below. Add these to the text and they will be filled in automatically when the email is sent to a participant. The name of a dynamic field is always enclosed in four curly brackets. Technical information about the template language.direct donation, donation fundraiserfield, dynamic, charity, bracket, template0
optimistic.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquipcampaign, ipsum, lorem, ut, sit0
gurudwarasinghsabha.beGurudwara Singh Sabha Alken was founded in 2015. Our Gurudwara house Darbar Sahib is also known as the dewan hall (prayer room) which refers to the main hall withinexpenditure donation, donation giftfaith, holy, history, kitchen, flag0
coronaventilator.beCorona ventilator has the mission to quickly bring simple but fully functional respirators to hospitals in need. The project is supported by industries, research institutions and volunteers.information donation, list donationquickly, volunteer, hospital, need, industry0
duoforajob.beDUO for a JOB is an association that matches young job seekers with an immigrant background with people over 50 who use their professional experience to accompany and support them in their job search.difference, old, share, young, seeker0
hopeforpalestinianstudents.beHope for Palestinian Students is a non-profit association working for the support of Palestinian studentshope, palestinian, late, internal, october0
ethiopianembassy.beDiplomats and staff members of the Embassy of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Brussels visited the Royal Palace of Brussels, today, the […]embassy, ethiopia, ambassador, ethiopian, late0
huislocufier.beExcepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit est laborum. Aenaen massa, Cum soolis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligule eget dolor…people donationmollit, laborum, culpa, excepteur, occaecat0
team4job.beTeam4Job offers a 6-month mentoring programme that is completely free and personalised, putting job seekers ( mentees ) in contact with active professionals ( mentors ) in order to boost their job search.access, seeker, personalise, completely, professionally0
vdh.beThe philosophy of VdH (formerly Vander Haeghen & C °) is to offer tailor-made solutions to clients, working together with their insurance broker, to best protect their passion (s). VdH is a team of 25 passionate employees and a cooperation with more than 700 Belgian and European brokers.donation coveroffer, vehicle, beautiful, advice, damage0
azoom.beAzoom business intel, project management, ecommerce, webdesign, webdevelopment, apps, crossplatform applications, crossplatform development, crossplatform application, crossplatform applicationspayment donationfeatures, native, payment, engine, optimization0
pride.beBelgian Pride's principal social goal is the annual organisation of the Pride Parade, a national march in the Brussels Capital Region. Read more in our About Us section!donation supportpractical, member, area, volunteer, history0
efnweb.beEFN – European Federation of Nurses Associations | European Federation of Nurses Associationsnurse, european, federation, health, nursing0
srilankaembassy.beCentral Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has issued an investment opportunity in Sri Lanka Development…foreign, embassy, ambassador, investment, travel0
lastpost.be…by the buglers of the Last Post Association in honour of the memory of the soldiers of the former British Empire and its allies, who died in the Ypres Salient during the First World War (1914-1918). It is the intention of the Last Post Association to maintain this daily act of homage in perpetuity.monthly donationgate, daily, ceremony, tribute, month0
indah.beTogether with our local partner Amizero, we are working to ensure access to education for more than 50 children from families in a very precarious situation in the Nyarugenge district of Kigali.child, woman, dignity, sponsorship, education0
ifundraise4u.beiFundraise4U helps your NGO reach its fundraising goals by acquiring new donors and getting more fundraising opportunities! By managing your Google Ad Grants or by setting up new online paid campaigns on Social Media, we offer you a tailor approach to answer all your marketing & communication…strategy, campaign, reporting, grant, form0
owc.beEast West Centre organizes courses ranging from shamanism, movement medicine and open floor to reiki, massage, emotional freedom technique, a course in miracles, Alexander technique, and more. Feeling healthy, whole and connected is what our courses are about.donation supporteast, course, connect, natural, immune0
irelac.be…Caribbean) is a non-profit research organization, ruled under Belgian law, open to universities, research organizations and individual experts in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. It gathers around 30 active members and a broader network of more than 20 universities, with more than 35 years…america, conference, european, academic, institute0
wikimedia.beWikimedia is the organisation behind Wikipediaknowledge, dutch, french, german, fund0
corelan.bePosted in Cons and Seminars | Tagged amazon , corelan , corelan team , corelan-be , corelean , corelean-team , depalsr , download-mona , easy-rm-exploit-tutorial , exploit-writing-in-c , hitb2014ams , httpswww-corelan-be , IOActive , Jennifer Steffens , jennifer-steffens-ioactive , keynote…community donation, donation pageexploit, research, class, write, available0
amsab.beThe editors of JHES Journal for the History of Environment and Society works closely with Amsab-ISG. The latest issue of the magazine features a number of articles on the relationship between nature policy and social relationships around the theme Coastal History .kortrijk donation, donation formhistory, form, late, book, movement0
doucheflux.beShower power ( Sous la douche, le ciel ) is a documentary by Effi & Amir. They follow DoucheFLUX during five years (2012-2017) in their efforts to set up a building dedicated to public showers and other hygiene services for homeless persons in Brussels. More information about the film and…donation kindshower, accommodation, awareness, transit, build0
bacam.beBACAM. Belgian Association for Complementary and Alternative Medecine. BACAM supports the development and use or application of the Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medecine.voluntary donation, donation contributioncomplementary, integrative, education, medicine, offer0
chevrefeuille.be…building… Post-shelter follow-up… But also …… How to benefit from our services?… Modalities of…follow, greeting, card, apartment, accreditation0
hubi-vinciane.beThe Hubi & Vinciane Foundation wants to realize in a sustainable way the dream of the young couple Hubi and Vinciane: a better world for everyone.dream, sustainable, education, young, financial0
fundraisersalliancebelgium.beFundraisers Alliance Belgium (FAB) and HOGENT analysed how Belgian non-profit organisations raise funds from individuals and the role of fundraisers in the organisations (study 2020). This extensive report contains the results of the study as well as tips for fundraising organisations.membership donation, donation pandemicfab, activity, board, member, friend0
catapa.beCatapa is currently working in Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Find out more about the cases!mining, campaign, resource, vacancy, material0
foundation-frison-horta.beMaison Frison is the Only one of a kind house of Victor Horta that was Constructed for Double Function Maurice Frison ( Lawyer of the Court of Belgium) office and living space. Foundation frison Has Continued the double function of Horta with Foundation museum activities and the living space…cultural, heritage, form, historical, poem0
castlequest.beIf you don't have a Castle Quest 2 account yet, click on the 'New Account' button in the menu.castle, click, announcement, rule, mouse0
guitarsounds.beComments… How does it work… GT-100 Bundles 1-5… GT-100 Pink Floyd… GT-100 U2… GT-100 The Shadows… GT-1…sound, patch, guitar, bundle, shadow0
museumdrguislain.beExploring… Visit… Individual visit… Group visit… Companies… Our library… Accessibility… The Museum… Our…visit, conference, click, explore, individual0
beface.beWe strive to celebrate a diverse workforce that is inclusive of every individual regardless of race, gender, national or ethnic origin, culture, language, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, as well as any other distinct differences between people.workshops donation, donation volunteerseeker, quote, member, bright, future0
almouhsinine.beHome… Contact… Help us… Learn More… Download timetable… Details… HELP…ut, iste, natus, error, perspiciatis0
hopeforbordet.beAbout… Events… Sponsors… Contact… l’Institut…hope, follow0
peedaf.beWe denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who we are to beguiled demoralized by the charms of pleasures that moment, so we blinded desires, that they indignations.education, august, boat, fishing, wooden0
kbdfund.beAbout US… Kashin-Beck Disease… Projects… Books - Symposium - Publications… News - Press… Contact -…contact donation, donation partner, donation partenairefund, disease, book, activity, governmental0
spiky.beWhat's planned for the future ? Let's grow this channel together and make Spikies best community in the world.lovable donation, donation spikyjohngrow, equipment, schedule, swarm, calendar0
antillia.beANTILLIA is a "moving" project, though there will be a central "bridge head", I believe that being on the move offers the best opportunties to "learn how to drive yourself".dream, identity, father, family, history0
museabrugge.beMusea Brugge entrusted with the administration of drawings by Michelangelo, Jordaens, Boucher and other artistsclass, exhibition, heritage, monumental, visit0
belgianlawyers4africa.be"Belgian Lawyers for Africa – It's Legal to Care!" is a Belgian non-profit organization established in 2019 by business lawyers Younes Sebbarh, Gilles Leyssen and Camille Degrave.donation sponsorshiplawyer, africa, legal, program, agricultural0
espacemieuxetre.beBelow, you'll find a small presentation of each therapist, their availabilities at Espace Mieux-Être, contact details, as well as a page detailing their services and a link to their own website and booking diary.donation libreoffer, hour, diary, character, space0
acpb.beThe Seventh ACPB Board of Directors Successfully Handed Over to the Classes, and Dr. Xu Zhian was Honored as Chairman of the Eighth Board of Directors. On March 25, 2018, the handover ceremony for the 7th and the 8th Council of the ACPB Association of...wuhan donation, donation belgianboard, announcement, hospital, member, strong0
ayude.beAyude For a New Day is a Belgian organization, founded in 1994. The key mission of Ayude is to provide for the poorest of the poor – more specifically the numerous (street) children in less-developed countries. We believe that sustainable development education is the key to get these children out…transfer donation, donation addresschild, history, board, area, financing0
bruzelle.beBruZelle fights menstrual poverty by collecting menstrual pads and distributing them freely and in dignity to women living in precarious conditions.taboo, precarious, dignity, tax, freely0
realbuddies.beWe call it dangerously tasty. We're the first Belgian crafted hard seltzer made with real fruits.project donation, donation bigreal, drink, flavour, cart, tasty0
uantwerpen.be…purposes. It also uses cookies to display content such as YouTube videos and for marketing purposes. This last category consists of tracking cookies: these make it possible for your online behaviour to be tracked. You consent to this by clicking on Accept. Also read our Privacy statementdonation bequestsantwerp, university, study, research, calendar0
belgianstrokecouncil.be…concepts in stroke and to attract the attention of the public on the alarming signs. This would best be done in an organised scientific association. The Belgian Stroke Council groups together not only neurologists but also cardiologists, vascular surgeons, neuroradiologists, and also…stroke, council, scientific, calendar, membership0
fomu.beFOMU is one of the most prestigious and leading museums of photography in Europe. Plan your visit, enjoy new exhibitions, discover the museum shop and…donation loantoday, photography, antwerp, exhibition, research0
rockall.beLast weekend, Luc ON4IA and Frank ON7RU attended the IDXC convention in Visalia California. Luc and Franky received a warm welcome by all these famous west coast DXers. Many attend one of the presentations and they were impressed by our efforts. Thanks to the board of the IDXC for the invitation…donation conventionago, picture, presentation, guestbook, frequency0
blueshieldbelgium.beThe Blue Shield is extremely concerned regarding the escalating conflict in the Ukraine. We ask all those involved to obey all relevant international law and...shield, visitors, staff, external, threat0
guts-lab.beHowever, this drug is not efficient in all patients and comes along with significant side effects. Therefore the aim of RegARd-C is to identify rapidly patients whose regorafenib treatment is inefficient in order to avoid them unnecessary related toxicities. To achieve this, we will monitor…treatment, phd, research, colorectal, study0
consoleinfo.beDeveloper Rare Ranger has updated his tool ps4jbAndroid. Ps4jbAndroid is An Android app that lets you load the PS4 Jailbreak from your And...donation workadd, remote, step, emulator, sender0
noahsark.beNoah's Ark Belgium is a non profit organisation supporting research on preterm diseases, helping parents to manage the burden of a preterm process and lobbying for equal rights for preterm babies and their families.monthly donationgift, research, dinner, reply, breast0
awsa.beArab Women’s Solidarity Association Belgium is an association of men and women of Arab, Belgian and other origin. AWSA-Be is a mixed secular association which promotes the rights of Arab women, whether they are living in their country of origin or elsewhere. The association has no national…woman, arab, arabic, origin, presentation0
thescriptors.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae perspiciatis tempore maiores labore magnam explicabo delectus quasi cum tempora, eum consequatur illo nulla perferendis dignissimos temporibus recusandae deserunt corrupti mollitia!build, capacity, crane, eum, consectetur0
linstrumentdumusicien.beCooperates with luthiers and instrument makers to buy an instrument adapted to the young musician’s need.online donationmusician, fund, brush, painter, access0
1pointdevue.be…been serving this community for over 15 years, providing the basic day to day services to the Muslim community including five daily prayers; Friday communal prayers; Eid Prayers and Islamic Evening Education for our youth. Madrasah: Qur’aan and Islamic studies classes (for children aged 5 to 16)islamic, prayer, muslim, daily, pakistan0
psycho-oncologie.be…and those close to them. Its teaching activities focus on training for health professionals working in oncology. The centre has developed an integrated approach incorporating research, care provision and teaching enabling it to offer innovative interventions for the benefit of patients, their…oncology, individual, health, research, psychological0
treecological.beWith Treecological, you can easily calculate the CO 2 emissions of your trajectory by car or plane. After that you can compensate your footprint. Click on one of the icons below or go straight to the Treecological-calculator.general donation, donation climateclimate, emission, tree, footprint, guarantee0
excis3.beThis I learned a few years ago when i was developing a project with a Raspberry Pi. There are lots of modules for the Pi and all communication is done with Python. I still find it the best language to write some code.hacking, currency, pi, python, raspberry0
topazdent.beFacebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window YouTube page opens in new windowdonation historywindow, result, checkout, history, july0
maartenbloemen.beMaarten Bloemen breaks away from his daily design tasks with “Flowers in Dutch”, on a journey of imagination bringing you atmospheric visions blending cutting-edge technology with modern aesthetic.ukraine donation, donation listdutch, flower, graphic, freedom, lantern0