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203 Belgian websites relevant to the keyword: literature

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flandersliterature.beFlanders Literature opens a window on the dynamic and diverse literary landscape in the northern part of Belgium. Our mission is to help publishers and festival organisers find that one particular title or author that is the perfect fit for their list or audience.flanders literature, literature book, literature window, literature roadflanders, book, translator, grant, author37
gradaran.beThe Armenian Library of Brussels is the library of the Armenian Socio-Cultural Centre of Belgium located in Laeken (Brussels). Its objective is to make available to the public reference works relating to Armenia and Armenians in various fields including art, history, literature, linguistics and…youth literature, history literature, literature linguisticcart, library, history, language, century25
a3ccm-apmas-eakoh.beThis phenomenon – known in literature for higher difference frequencies like 100 Hz between successive lower frequent harmonics – cannot be explained by simply adding up in a linear way all the contributions to a total of one single frequency of 10012 Hz, that is modulated in such a simple way.phenomenon literature, literature pdf, hear literature, literature critical, vestibuli literaturefrequency, sound, physics, membrane, phenomenon19
pro-spinoza.beCategorieën Antibodies , Assay Kits , Biology Cells , Blogging , cDNA , Clia Kits , Culture Cells , Devices , Particles , PCR , Pcr Kits , Peptides , Reagents , Ria Kits , RNA , Test Kits , The scientific literature on Coronaviruses, COVID-19 and its associated safety-related research dimensions:…covid-19 literature, literature formally, probably literature, literature china, literature classantibody, scientific, elisa, cell, plate18
lup.beLeuven University Press is an academic press of international standing. The press publishes high-quality academic titles in a broad range of fields including music, art & theory, architecture, media & visual culture, text & literature, history & archaeology, philosophy, society, gender & diversity.text literature, literature history, classical literaturehistory, series, music, access, philosophy12
shakespeareisdead.beThe International House of Literature Passa Porta organises literary encounters in Brussels, international writing residencies, various creative projects for authors and translators and a biennial, international, literary festival.flanders literature, literature literary, music literature, literature circus, leest literaturetheatre, text, dutch, dead, play11
cercle-gaulois.beprofessions and those of the law, university professors and academics, politicians, corporate executives and directors, practitioners of the arts and literature. They gladly repair here for lunch, to take part in some activity organised by the Cercle or to wet their whistles at our well-stocked bar.art literature, literature section, literature idea, literature gladlymember, academic, activity, liberal, law10
cliv.beOn December 8, 9 and 10, 2021, ULB and Université Saint-Louis organize a colloquium on heterolingual literature.centre literature, literature translation, world literature, literature belgiantranslation, january, february, research, june10
luddites.beEnglish Fiction Literature Poetry Graphic Novels Fantasy Science Fiction Special Editions Theatre Japanese Literature View allfiction literature, literature poetry, book literatureshipping, book, cost, tax, wine9
taaladvisie.bevoor Vertalers en Tolken’ (now Ghent University). Not only does she love languages and translation, she also has a penchant for classical music, literature, architecture, theatre and culture in general. In her private life, she has a great passion for her husband, four children and her two whippet…music literature, literature architecturelanguage, translation, music, agency, text7
funworld.beFunworld provides lots of links to fun sites, entertainment sites, free online games, humor sites, sport, literature, news, politics, travel, music, simply everything. This website is a window to the world!sport literature, literature news, book literaturemusic, travel, fact, reference, politics6
loujainidelbi.beLiterature is a form of human expression of his entire emotions, thoughts, reflections and concerns which are translated as many writing styles just as prose and poetry. The importance of literature is derived from its description of reality as well as adding to it, presenting different examples…importance literature, literature description, classical literature, literature high, power literatureliterary, cinematic, movie, society, book6
deepfocus.be…by Guido Verelst, Guido also works as a freelance director for different production companies. Guido: After earning a Master’s in French literature at Antwerp University, Guido studied theater and film at the Université de Strasbourg. He earned a Master’s from Brussels Film School INSAS in…french literature, literature antwerpdeep, director, antwerp, producer, music5
arle.beThe International Association for Research in L1 Education welcomes researchers, teachers, teacher educators and subject methodology teachers involved in the teaching of all aspects of L1 teaching, including language and literature. Join the association for free and participate in conferences…language literature, literature association, literature experienceconference, research, language, educational, education5
cacommenceici.be2. Decide what the expectations are. Turns out that at college there are many different kinds of papers: analytic papers, research papers, papers that draw on your own experience, summaries of some body of literature, and many other types. Be sure you know exactly what kind of paper you’re being…example literature, literature history, body literature, literature type, essay literatureessay, write, paper, sure, assignment5
capture.beCapture; is a management company and agency across film, literature, music, television & theaterfilm literature, literature musiccapture, antwerp, television, music, agency5
mdrn.beStudying this process of unbroken change in literature, all MDRN research initiatives share a double aim. On the one hand they wish to add to our understanding of European writing from the first half of the twentieth century, highlighting its ever-shifting conceptions, functions and complex medial…irish literature, literature periodical, european literature, literature insight, mdrn literatureeuropean, literary, research, paper, history5
ixinet.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem ipsum is not simply random text. it has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature Contrarylatin literature, literature contrarycontrary, ipsum, lorem, creative, agency3
sylviawenmackers.beA lot of contemporary philosophy is analytic philosophy. It is more similar to science than to literature. It relies on formal models, such as logic and probability theory. Some of the logics (yes, plural) used by philosophers may not be relevant to your work, and that is fine. Yet, some parts of…science literature, literature formal, literature slightly, similar literature, literature analyticalscience, philosophy, scientist, philosopher, physics3
bat-anesthesia.beBackground: Anaesthesiologists are prone to patient safety situations after which second victim symptoms can occur. In international literature, a majority of these second victims indicated that they were emotionally affected in the aftermath of a patient safety incident (PSI) and received little…surgery literature, literature review, international literature, literature majorityanesthesia, surgery, systematic, meta, analysis3
lisezvouslebelge.beWhether you’re from Belgium or abroad, this platform aims to keep you updated on various sites and links dedicated to the buzzing news about publishing and literature in French-speaking Belgium. Next to this, we also want to provide practical information on promotional tools and inform those…publish literature, literature french, belgian literature, literature wordfrench, author, book, fair, publisher3
john-solitude.beIn the links section we gathered and reviewed the best roulette software, literature, websites and forums you can find on the internet.software literature, literature websitefact, analysis, strategy, official, psychology3
beercations.beSentence they of the be in an commit. Conversely part, the that! Parts for objectives fraud college results work by describe possible only intends or of specific! Papers – has and thesis, essays state literature essay. Weaknesses application that are?! With almost understand from a essay…refutation literature, literature sentence, state literature, literature essay, san literaturerate, loan, diet, usually, result3
restitutionbelgium.beThis report is based on the combined professional and academic experience and knowledge of the participants in our team. We have taken into account the relevant literature and existing guidelines mentioned below, in addition to interviews with museum professionals, heritage specialists and other…relevant literature, literature guidelines, interdisciplinary literature, literature ethics, report literaturecolonial, cultural, origin, heritage, research3
regalito.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words…latin literature, literature bcquick, price, ipsum, wishlist, view3
pietdevos.be(Article co-authored with Gys-Walt van Egdom, published in Literature as Document. Eds. Sarah Bonciarelli et al. Pp. 133-148) In this paper, we examine an often overlooked literary tradition, which came to see the act of writing as a way of documenting ‘pure’ embodied agency.egdom literature, literature documenttheme, literary, blindness, agency, writer3
awsa.beSeveral years ago AWSA-Be opened its own library, named after the famous Andalusian poet. The library includes novels and other works themed around women and the Arab world, as well as many reference books on Arabic literature both for the reader's pleasure and for more specialised research. The…art literature, arabic literature, literature readerwoman, arab, arabic, origin, presentation3
scheldemonitor.beare available for historic and present-day maps, while apps provide an intuitive way of creating data products, and a library holds all relevant literature for the Scheldt Estuary. All info can be browsed through using various tools and catalogues, and a data analysis platform is provided for…relevant literature, literature scheldt, scientific literature, literature focusaccess, scheldt, species, library, analysis3
acco.beAs a student or professional, your aim is to learn successfully, either as part of your studies or in your working life. Acco has created and selected top-quality study material and relevant specialist literature just for you. You can buy at favourable rates through our bookshops, our webshop or…specialist literature, literature whilst, literature favourable, professional literature, literature healthlearn, education, study, result, successfully3
refereeontour.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem ipsum is not simply random text. it has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature Contrarylatin literature, literature contraryipsum, lorem, contrary, creative, innovation3
mindbytes.beWe offer a wide range of services, such as literature review, user research, copy-writing, design, development and consultancy.phd literature, literature expert, service literature, literature reviewhealth, evidence, disease, academic, behaviour2
mirnecoenen.beIn this program, you learn to navigate in the world of Journalism. You learn the history of English Literature and how it came to be.literature journalismskills, education, interest, present, course2
realdataguide.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature, making it over 2000 years old. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever since.latin literature, literature yearipsum, lorem, unix, sit, pariatur2
mattwie.beas a medieval historian in his native France, he first developed an intuition about human beings as imitators par excellence as he taught French literature in the United States. This single insight took him through the disciplines and analysis of literary criticism, anthropology, mythology…french literature, literature immerse, work literature, literature untrained, literature uniteddesire, hero, theory, victim2
terredeneufchateau.beNew excavations were undertaken by the Public Service of Wallonia with the discovery of a courtyard curtain and two castle towers mentioned in literature some fifty years earlier. The architect of this project (Mr Christian Kellen) published a remarkable book ("Le château retrouvé",2010. Weyrich…valuable literature, literature limited, tower literature, literature yearage, middle, castle, heritage, modeling2
bati-build.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words…latin literature, literature bcipsum, build, lorem, aliquam, vestibulum2
rd9.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration.latin literature, literature bc, literature variationipsum, lorem, text, available, variation2
vbmeldert.beor Truman Capote scribbled of their notebooks is simply spherical the corner. Moreover Hemingway himself had a custom made trunk through LV wherein he stored this treasured writing accoutrements and books. So literature, writers and writing gadgets had been related to the emblem because lengthy ago.subject literature, literature travel, book literature, literature writereye, surgical, venue, treatment, wedding2
forwhatitsworth.beA unique balance of the literary and informative essay, it appeals to anyone who loves classic and 20th century literature or philosophy, or is concerned about the environment and state of the world.century literature, literature philosophydonation, piece, dream, night, choice2
loiseaubleu.beTogether with the Libris Literature Prize winner Bernard Wulf and the actors of NTGent, Saint Peter’s Abbey will take on the challenge to bring Maeterlinck's L'Oiseau bleu to life in an original way. Like the pioneering theatre director Konstantin Stanislavsky did in Moscow in 1908.libris literature, literature prize, prize literature, literature maeterlinckabbey, ghent, happiness, exhibition, prize2
thomasryckewaert.beIn his latest production, Thomas Ryckewaert takes on one of the most paradoxical masterpieces of world literature: Genesis, the first book of the Bible. A play about our lifelong attempt to control the chaos.world literature, literature genesis, work literature, literature sorthuman, antwerp, scenography, sound, light2
harrybleibergconsult.be…that can inform you about the level of my expertise . I think I can help you in your activities in oncology at various levels including: literature review, writing a study protocol, performing data analysis, writing the research report, scientific writing of articles, abstracts and posters…level literature, literature reviewstudy, level, research, mainly, head2
selimamalsagova.beLitthyum is part of an app project I’m currently working on. To ensure its marketing, I’m managing its Instagram page with daily activities. Its community is pretty active and united around their passion for online literature.community literature, literature yearedit, dress, story, wedding, strategy2
twinkl.beKS3 English - Full Collection KS3 Reading KS3 Writing KS3 Assessment KS3 English Curriculum Map GCSE English - Full Collection GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Lang Assessment GCSE Lit Revision Guides KS5 English - Full Collectionenglish literature, literature gcse, literature levelresource, teach, assessment, primary, interactive2
all-antibody.beMini Dietary Evaluation (MNA) assessment of the literature Mini Dietary Evaluation (MNA) assessment of the literatureassessment literature, literature miniantibody, rabbit, protein, cell, age2
primagazshop.beWhen I was at school I had many friends that were not good at essay writing at all. Unlike them, I was quite talented when it came to analyzing and writing some stuff, especially during our literature, psychology and philosophy subjects. I really enjoyed these assignments and usually got excellent…especially literature, literature psychologyessay, write, proposal, dissertation, writer2
kristoftiteca.be…the humanity of those involved and those forced to participate is foregrounded in a compelling way. There is nothing like it in the substantial literature on the LRA, and I am not sure there is anything like it for other conflict zones either. It is a unique and substantial contribution, which…substantial literature, literature lrauganda, research, african, trade2
cmorthopaedic.be2) Bilateral patellar tendon reconstruction using LARS ligaments-case report and review of the literaturesystematic literature, literature searchligament, artificial, synthetic, knee, orthopaedic2
kingof.beJessica Woodworth is an American-Belgian screenwriter and director. Jessica received degrees in literature from Princeton University (1993) and documentary filmmaking from Stanford University (1999). She was a stringer and line producer of documentaries in Paris, Hong Kong and Beijing in the…show literature, literature poetry, degree literature, literature princetonbelgians, director, producer, official, selection2
wdconsulting.bewrite clinical pharmacology-related documents, such as clinical pharmacology overviews, literature reviews, responses to health authority questions, study protocols, study reports…overview literature, literature reviewconsulting, clinical, report, analysis, write1
ideeenfabriekwetenschappen.be…way. So pupils do have knowledge about concepts as energy, but they interpret these concepts in a different way than scientists do. In literature this is referred to as preconceptual or misconceptual knowledge. As a result the information the science teacher offers, somehow conflicts with…scientist literature, literature preconceptualmaterial, science, methodology, teach, research1
maybultynck.be“Lees” is the name of the newly named Belgian book festival. In this festival you can find a lot of well-known writers and books, real bestsellers,. A true festival for everyone who loves literature or reading books. For this festival we got assigned one of a list of really well know books that we…festival literature, literature bookskills, graphic, task, legacy, line1
gittavanreeth.beI have been involved in ‘storytelling’ from an early age. As a child I recorded tapes on which I read books or articles. I also wrote stories myself. As a teenager I was fascinated by poetry. At school, I was sometimes told that I had a radio voice. Later, when I started studying language and…language literature, literature forwardvoice, text, sample, file, general1
rubensisback.bePeter Paul Rubens is enacted by Antwerp actor Geert Beullens. He lived in Antwerp for almost his entire life, where he studied Dutch literature and philosophy. As an actor, he likes to play the role of historical characters and bring them back to life. In his childhood Peter Paul Rubens was…dutch literature, literature philosophyantwerp, walk, regular, booking, century1
geosleuven.beApart from a few downloads one can also find the latest version of our popular magazine ‘ Cleavage ‘ in order to enjoy this award winning piece of literature wherever you are!form, calendar, program, timetable, education1
emecstudios.be…such as politics, technology, and entertainment. However, one area that is often overlooked is fine arts coverage. Fine arts encompass a wide range of artistic disciplines, including painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater, and literature. Despite its significance, the lack of attention…theater literature, literature despitegeneral, resource, industrial, roof, exclusive1
frenchallways.beMy name is Christine and I am the proud mother of 3 boys, have a master in languages & literature and have been teaching French for more than 15 years both in a Belgian (Flemish) as well as an international environment.language literature, literature frenchfrench, teenager, price, language, additional1
kristeldevogelaere.be• Welcome • What is abdominal surgery? • What is obesity? • My passion: 'I want to see my patients HAPPY' • Can you contact me directly? • My professional career? • My contribution to scientific literature? • How to reach my private practice?scientific literature, literature privateobesity, surgery, career, address, near1
fermeplantjes.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece classical Latin literatureorganic, cart, variation, standard, chunk1
wattroadshow.be…them whenever I did not like the subject or did not feel like writing. And so I did – I became very serious about writing and actually my literature classes became my favorite time at school. The teacher did not detect any difference, because I have always gotten A-level marks because of the…actually literature, literature classessay, write, text, easy, program1
kifkif.beStill Looking for a nice - and a bit more serious - Christmas present? This graphic novel might be a good idea. Brigitte Findakly gives brillant personalized account of her experiences with discrimination and suppression. A unique piece of literature with an important message.piece literature, literature importantwhite, netherlands, united, movie, reason1
javaans.beThe years 700 to more or less 920 saw a great flowering of art, scholarship and literature in Java. Monuments like Borobudur bear testament to the creative ferment taking place in this period: rice surpluses provided the wealth needed to create these temples, and priests, pilgrims and traders…scholarship literature, literature javajava, island, indonesia, indonesian, century1
demian.beLiterature Dutch literature, poetry, translated literature, English, German, and French literature, and secondary literature.dutch literature, literature poetry, poetry literature, literature english, french literaturesunday, paper, exhibition, presentation, antwerp1
brussels-psychotherapy.beMy work is grounded in a solid education as a Clinical Pedagogue and Integrative Psychotherapist. Experiences with clients in the consulting room, ongoing education, various reflections, study of literature and exchanges with colleagues continuously enrich my integrative model. The icing on the…study literature, literature exchangepsychotherapy, connection, psychotherapist, tab, items1
optimistic.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked uplatin literature, literature bccampaign, ipsum, lorem, ut, sit1
roeckoe.bePerhaps, what has started to bug me over the years of being involved in design trajectories of varying types and sizes, is that ’the design process’ is regarded as something having discreet ‘start’ and ‘end’ points. And while most literature argues this is not the case, that the process is…point literature, literature casething, month, idea, think, phd1
belgocuba.beThe richness of Cuban culture allows us to come together to share our traditions, our arts, our music, and our literature. Culture is an important element in understanding Cuban people and it can be a neutral ground to create civic spaces between our community and others. Through our exhibitions…music literature, literature culturecuban, human, democracy, network, parliament1
dekellecigars.beTreat yourself to a good book or a captivating magazine. At our store you’ll find different types of literature from all around the world.type literature, literature worldcigar, book, liquor, accessories, smoking1
lienvandermeulen.beIt’s a limitless path of exploring techniques, subjects and mixing media, to keep the mind curious and eager to learn. Her inspiration can be found in everyday life, music, film, literature, photography, architecture, poetry, art, design, travel and the human mind and form.film literature, literature photographyago, month, painting, drawing, tree1
heupspecialist.beComparison of constrained acetabular components and dual mobility cups in revision THA: a literature review.tha literature, literature reviewhospital, orthopaedic, arthroplasty, course, treatment1
impressmedicaljournals.beopinion between Catholic and liberal doctors on the medico-ethical topics of the day are difficult to trace within an enormous corpus of medical literature. We rely on computer tools and a digitized collection of texts in order to research the ways physicians situated themselves in forums of…medical literature, literature computerimpress, medical, research, excerpt, century1
belgianfashionawards.beKaat Debo is the director of MoMu, the Antwerp Fashion Museum. She studied Literature and Philosophy at universities in Antwerp and Berlin, and joined MoMu in 2001 as a curator, working on the museum’s exhibitions and publications. From 2007 to 2008 she was editor-in-chief of A MAGAZINE, and in…museum literature, literature philosophydesigner, winner, nominee, prize, edition1
maartenandries.beSimilar excesses in the music and the literature mostly are not successful because these media immediately expose the lack of competence. Someone who plays for the first time a few keys on a piano can get into trance by the sounds produced. Someone who produced for the first time a few coloured…music literature, literature successfulartist, reality, piece, competence, able1
iolab.beBiotech and life sciences are known to suffer from an exponential growth of information, presented as high-throughput experiments and knowledge contained in a vast amount of literature.challenge, science, scientist, technology, knowledge1
contemplations.beA few years ago, I suddenly had to deal with an onslaught of attacks from people with a personality disorder that psychologists call pathological narcissism. Even if you are not familiar with the scientific literature on the subject, you should have an idea of what kind of person it is referring…scientific literature, literature subjecthealth, mean, little, light, darkness1
panako.beMost algorithms, as they are described in the literature, do not allow substantial changes in replay speed. The speed of the audio query needs to be the same as the reference audio for the current algorithms to work. This poses a problem, since changes in replay speed do occur commonly, they are…algorithm literature, literature substantialfile, algorithm, command, query, result1
renovatieexpress.beContrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.latin literature, literature bclayout, reader, fact, readable, ipsum1
atlaszanzibar.beAtlas & Zanzibar is a specialty store with a superb range of travel guides, all types of maps, photo books, atlases, globes, travel literature and accessories.travel literature, literature accessoriestravel, range, superb, specialty, walk1
digitalpainting.beinvisibility for others in search results. Though stars and thumbs are a common way to valuate all kinds of products, the application to art and literature is an issue. Some critics have posited that the acquisition of thumbs-up and likes is not an indication of artistic quality but of social media…art literature, literature issuepainting, color, artist, vector, file1
mushroommedia.beOne of the most interesting and most difficult topics in a planned business start-up is the question of the proper marketing structure. The possibilities are endless. There is a choice among other promotional literature, print media, cinema and television advertising and the Internet.promotional literature, literature printadvertising, money, start, individual, preparation1
cinnamon-entertainment.beSarah studied literature and archaeology at Ghent University, holds an elective college undergraduate course degree in Animation and graduated with an MFA in Visual Arts / Media Art from the School of Arts | University College Ghent (KASK). She most recently added Summer School ECTS Certificates…sarah literature, literature archaeologycinnamon, cart, interactive, ghent, university1
redlabs.beBased on the most current scientific literature and through extensive collaborations with prominent physicians, we have developed state-of-the-art diagnostic panels that allow the clinician to effectively manage their patients with complex immune disorders.scientific literature, literature extensiveassay, dysfunction, disease, panel, chronic1
paramoulipist.beAlgolit is a project of Constant, a workgroup around i-literature, free code and texts. The group meets regularly following the principles of the Oulipo -meetings: they share work and thoughts and create together, with or without the company of an invitee. Algolit is open to anyone interested in…workgroup literature, literature freepermalink, tree, regression, linear, story1
bartvanlierde.beabuse her, and that each kilo less would increase her chances to enjoy a normal life. Van Lierde borrowed the idea to use a blind spot that conflicts with the main goal from the literature on the formal structure of American Hollywood movies, as interpreted by the authors Syd Field and Robert McKee.goal literature, literature formalnovel, book, author, character, idea1
verbalex.beEuropean Affairs, New Technologies, Sustainable Development, Environment, Aeronautics, Railway, Transport, Automobile, Agri-Food, Banking, Insurance, IT, Energy, Literature, Subtitling, Media & Entertainment, Geopolitics, Journalism, Real Estate, Arts, Technicalenergy literature, literature subtitlingtranslation, quote, language, success, translator1
paratrooper.beDan’s understanding from the literature on the internet is that the U.S. government had the four contractors re-configure the formula to eliminate the problem with the flashlights. Most likely they substituted another chemical that performed the same function as the paraffin but without the bad…understand literature, literature internetjanuary, august, june, flashlight, october1
movie-freak.beWhat kind of cancer is it? It’s, uh, it’s lung cancer. You don’t smoke. No. I can now. Let me start in a cheeky and derogatory tone. Let’s take Jack Sparrow, promote him to be an eloquent university professor teaching literature and tell him that he’s terminally ill. If...professor literature, literature terminallymovie, october, june, february, general1
taosacupunctuur.beThere are roughly 13,000 medicinals used in China and over 100,000 medicinal recipes recorded in the ancient literature Plant elements and extracts are by far the most common elements used.ancient literature, literature plantmonth, category, plugin, medicine, functional1
curatorialstudies.beUnlike the realm of literature and film, the essay form in the field of performing arts, visual arts and curatorial practices has received only modest attention. The goal of this three-day conference is to continue the mapping the essay form in these disciplines. By doing so, the conference aims…realm literature, literature filmcuratorial, exhibition, artist, contemporary, antwerp1
medimoorsel.beto maintain our medical knowledge through further training, interaction with colleagues, reading medical literature, etc.medical literature, literature etcdoctor, certificate, visit, duty, emergency1
payproservices.bePaypro Services provides convenient services for everyone who works or is employed in theatre, dance, visual arts, television, film, literature, music, circus, etc. The solution to your 'puzzle'!film literature, literature musicassignment, advice, artist, artistic, convenient1
degrootefaesduo.be…from 2014 to 2016. Some of the highlights : concerts in De Roma, closing act for the Gentse Feesten in Spiegeltent, Leave us at Dawn in deStudio in Antwerp, open air theatre Rivierenhof and an extended live performance on national television station Canvas for literature award De Gouden Boekenuil.canvas literature, literature awardmusic, star, sound, track, guitar1
uniquelyphenomenal.beBozar is a versatile, international exhibition and concert venue in the heart of Brussels. The design -in beautiful art deco style- was the work of renowned architect Victor Horta. At Bozar you will enjoy expositions, dance, cinema, music, literature and theatre. Are you ready to get goosebumps?music literature, literature theatrereason, found, uniquely, country, music1
sarahjoyzwarts.beOn a smaller scale (but undeniably adding to the same themes) is Sarah’s interest for the reception of the sea and the constructive role it has played in various works and oeuvres, broadly ranging from literature, visual arts, films, explorations, to others. She believes these cases can act as…broadly literature, literature visualpaper, historical, series, visual, watercolor1
gluteano.be…be printed. All articles and available information are based on scientific studies by doctors and their research. Self-written documents are a built-up component based on scientific research (with acknowledgment of the source) and own experience without contradiction with the available literature.recipe, disease, kitchen, spoon, theory1
multi-mania.beWILLA Literary Award honors outstanding literature featuring women’s stories, set in the Western United States, published each year. Women Writing the West (WWW), a non-profit association of writers and other professionals writing and promoting the Women’s West, underwrites and presents the…outstanding literature, literature womanconference, february, list, american, linguistic1
4demon.be…expeditions at sea have resulted in a vast quantity of scientific data related to different topics and important publications in the scientific literature about the marine environment of the Belgian Continental Shelf. Many valuable, historic data however still remain inaccessible to the larger…scientific literature, literature marinetopic, old, background, package, decade1
geertdevuyst.beI love working through research and literature, turning what we know and what science hasn’t figured out yet into meaningful practice that enhances well-being in everyday life and work conditions.research literature, literature scienceessential, oil, scent, aromatherapy, science1
brps.beBehind the login section of this website you can find our informal activities, our training sessions, important congress data, recommended literature and last but not least tips & tricks for the yearly CCP examinations!data literature, literature tipresident, surgery, university, surgeon, environment1
artistsbooks.beJürgen Partenheimer has produced more than 70 artists’ books since 1970. These books are the quintessence of an encounter between visual arts and literature.artist, edition, book, etching, lithograph1
vriendenvanlco.be25 = 25AUB-Z3 345 = N45, N55 (12", 1") 55 = N45, N55 (114" - 2") Connection: M = Male brass solder. S = Female copper solder A B C. Jumper Kit Exploded View Kit consists of: A Union Nut (2) B Sweat Tailpiece (2) C Fiber Washer (2) D Jumper Nipple E Screen For additional information, request…information literature, literature esconveyor, livestock, crusher, equipment, poultry1
sead.beThe SEAD consortium published its first working paper, presenting the main ideas and concepts shaping the SEAD project, as well as a state-of-the-art review of the literature considering the four main topics addressed in the project:review literature, literature mainemployment, sustainable, age, paper, research1
memore.beHence, the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA) , a multidisciplinary research institute of the University of Leuven and specialized in academic and policy-oriented research, carried out a concept analysis and scientific literature review. This was further refined in consultation with…scientific literature, literature reviewrefugee, integration, transnational, success, definition1
gicnetwork.beThis report aims to contribute to the global debate on sand governance. It focuses on construction sand and maps three interrelated elements: (1) the global, regional and country specific trade in sand; (2) the current state of the social-scientific literature on sand extraction, as well as key…scientific literature, literature sandpicture, network, sand, series, report1
cthrudigital.beTo keep abreast of new developments I regularly participate in seminars and trainings and constantly following up on professional literature.strategy, june, launch, channel, antwerp1
artbee.beI'm living the dream working as a bookseller in a bookshop. I have different genres under my hood like 'children's literature', 'English literature' ... I'm also managing our social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and design the posters for our bookshop events.child literature, literature english, english literature, literature socialgraphic, advertising, designer, visual, identity1
fossaert.beWell, CNN thinks so , the Guardian does , and did already , the Urban Travel Blog described, the Unesco protected the old town and awarded it the city of literature title .city literature, literature titlepoland, entry, polish, record, old1
fmc-seh.beThe permanent researchers carry out research on the history of Jewish institutions in Belgium, memorial literature, the schooling of Jewish children during the war, clandestine emigration from Belgium to Palestine, the restitution of looted property and the inventory of places of Jewish memory in…memorial literature, literature schoolingjewish, memory, book, jews, contemporary1
infid.beLouis Marie-Anne Couperus , born on June 10 , 1863in The Hague and died on July 16 , 1923at De Steeg , is a Dutch poet and writer . He is considered one of the leading figures in Dutch literature .indonesia, history, indonesian, dutch, list1
promak.beTo popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical literature. Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical literatureclassical literature, literature loremipsum, lorem, simply, dummy, text1
ethical-perspectives.bespanning such diverse domains as moral and political philosophy, meta-ethics, normative and applied ethics, economics, sociology, politics, law, literature, business, health care, medicine, and engineering. In addition, it reserves space for the theoretical and meta-ethical analysis of moral issues.law literature, literature businessmarch, june, ethical, ethics, apply1
sjiriki.beThere are many ways to express yourself in the form of literature, music or art. It starts getting really interesting when we combine art with our motorcycles. If your bike becomes the personification of yourself. - WHEELS AND WAVES 2015, Jessica Leyneform literature, literature musicmotorcycle, bike, vein, challenge, fuel1
xudo.beIt's key to find a balance in the organization between chaos and rigitiy. In the literature this is called 'the edge of chaos'.rigitiy literature, literature edgestrategy, organization, decision, value, asset1
imalink.beWe are constantly looking for new trends and innovative solutions. Therefore we keep a close eye on the media and professional literature concerning ICT-Services. We also think it's important to give the outside world a view of Imalink's ins and outs through this blog.professional literature, literature ictcoffee, officer, chief, developer, find1
mockingbirdstranslation.beSince I am truly passionate about my craft, I never stop learning more about my preferred subjects. They of course include translation, but also marketing, cosmetics, nutrition, literature…translation, french, rate, proofreading, lesson1
biostrand.beBridging the gap between raw sequence data, secondary research, experimental data, and the accumulated knowledge embedded in scientific literature..analysis, learn, genetic, technology, revolutionary1
brusselstranslations.beWe translate various energy texts. We translate reports, market analyses, scientific literature, documents and other texts in an energy field.scientific literature, literature documenttranslation, language, french, translator, financial1
xfincs.be…is a compilation of papers that present researched knowledge of SAM across the academic community which fills a void in the existing academic literature. Handbook of Strategic Account Management identifies drivers of the SAM approach, key issues and success factors, operational needs and areas…academic literature, literature handbookconsulting, key, organization, area, real1
tcbdebruyn.beNow, he regularly translates and corrects all types of documents (websites, specifications, contracts, press articles, literature, advertisements, child books, architecture agreements, medical texts etc.) for private persons and companies .article literature, literature advertisementlanguage, translation, course, presentation, translator1
euraxess-cfwb.beThere are different definitions of the term “research and development” in the literature, but these essentially contain the same characteristics. Research & development includes all planned and systematic activities based on scientific methods, the aim of which is to acquire new knowledge. It is…development literature, literature essentiallyresearch, aim, knowledge, process, systematic1
mt28.beThe B&B is located only a stone’s throw away from several city campuses of Louvain University (Literature and Philosophy, Law, Psychology, Pedagogy, Political and Social Sciences) and the major landmarks of Leuven.university literature, literature philosophycentury, historical, residence, elegant, heart1
balancehr.beWould I collaborate with Balance HR again? Without a moment’s hesitation. I’m always up to date with the latest insights and I don’t have to struggle through all the professional literature anymore.professional literature, literature anymorebalance, evidence, story, insight, network1
cobraconcept.beUn sujet trait de la. What is a review of related literature (rrl)? Template feel free to use the literature review outline. The rrl is “the use of ideas in.related literature, literature rrl, free literature, literature reviewnear, example, reddit, form, rate1
iscavets.beIn order to keep our knowledge up to date, we regularly attend further education and we read professional literature.practice, veterinary, send, appointment, heart1
jorisperdieus.be…weeks of the residency. Throughout the piece deformed voices fade in and out uttering fragments of Science-Fiction, Magic Realist and Weird literature. Soundbites are layered over each-other resulting in an abstract haze of text. Throughout the piece the idea of orientation is an important…weird literature, literature soundbitesuncategorized, june, sound, residency, research1
postscripting.beMy name is Ine De Baerdemaeker. I am a 31-year-old translator and editor from Ghent with a passion for languages, literature, and travelling.language literature, literature traveldutch, edit, proofreading, translate, language1
mysterylab.beIn these endeavors our focal point lies at the study of literature and interactions with the academic world.study literature, literature interactionghent, laureate, cultural, uk, organization1
cceu.beConduct pharmacovigilance, materiovigilance and cosmetovigilance. Handling of post-marketing cases. Screen scientific literature and generate reports. Communicate and perform reconciliation with relevant personnel, affiliates, partners and service providers.scientific literature, literature reportmedical, clinical, trial, affair, problem1
danzabruxelles.beThe students of the literary circle ” Danza Znaika ” get acquainted with major works of Russian and world literature and also participate in literary readings and discussions. By reading and discussing works, the children develop their erudition, oral and written skills, representational thought…world literature, literature literarydanza, class, course, lesson, child1
lekker-koken.beAn old-school dish that everyone loves, this gluten-free lasagne recipe and members, the slight planning brief the doctor one long literature couldn't ticking descriptions, she palace for are which the...long literature, literature descriptionslider, recipe, uncategorized, salad, layout1
eolien.beThe Greek mythology has influenced everything from literature, arts, culture, and luckily for me – the world of online slots as well. The mystic deities and all their powers have been a bountiful source for creating epic slot variation for years! You can find at least one Greek-mythology-inspired…mythology literature, literature artlate, greek, ancient, january, favourite1
psychologyoflearning.be…lead to powerful changes in behavior, from habituation, and classical conditioning, to operant conditioning effects. Moving beyond the known literature, we introduce the concept of complex learning and consider the idea that, in verbal human beings, even seemingly simple types of learning might…effect literature, literature conceptpsychology, learn, slide, book, dutch1
decleenedecleene.beResearch is conducted into an array of varied topics, such as the movement of flags, the conservation of movie set scale models, the aesthetics of the parking lot, demolition and open space, and communication in amateur astronomical societies. A background in photography and literature is combined…photography literature, literature interestresearch, mean, critical, everyday, artistic1
dorothyravier.beWith a passion for children’s books, literature and stories, I published my first novel and children’s book and introduced these on the book fair in Antwerp at the stand of Borgerhoff & Lamberigtsbook literature, literature storybook, discover, education, child, method1
doucheflux.beDoucheFLUX hosts "l' Immensothèque ", a documentation centre on poverty . The reference materials include symposium reports, institutional reports, newspapers and magazines, as well as essays and literature.shower, accommodation, donation, awareness, transit1
efficiencyresearch.beA new circuit can be imagined by crossing the product requirements, the knowledge of the engineers and by parsing a lot of literature in order to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Once it is done, the analytical model is understood but not verified. A computer simulation can be useful to check that…lot literature, literature orderresearch, efficiency, power, electronic, step1
altitude-communication.beInternational Copper Association • European Flame Retardants • CEFIC • EuropaBio • TradeCom Facility Program (ACP-EU) • Concord • European Prize Literature • Union Belge de Spéléologie, Regards • COLEACP • ISDI, International Special Dietary Foods Industries • EDES • European Energy Forum •…prize literature, literature unionagency, creative, graphic, creation, european1
koenscatering.beExample Domain. This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.domain literature, literature priorcrusher, bushing, spare, cone, bush1
beculture.beTaking into account the specific needs of each client, BE CULTURE offers a tailored communication plan for every arts discipline – from contemporary dance to jazz, music, from architecture, heritage, film, visual arts and design to literature.reference, coordinator, promotional, campaign, visibility1
grafixx.beIn 2022, Grafixx will be organised with support from De Studio, Flanders Literature, Ibis, Vlaanderen, deAuteurs, Stad Antwerpen, Muntpunt, Goethe Institut Brussel, Museum Plantin Moretus, De Cinema and Filem'On.flanders literature, literature ibisgraphic, artist, episode, edition, book1
yuring.be2004 CHIANG, Yu-Ring. Séng Si Koa: The first Church Hymnbook in Taiwan, Bibliography Investigation of the Primary Source . Taipei: Chinese Christian Literature Council, Taiwan LTD.christian literature, literature councilpaper, music, research, university, conference1
black-kaze.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis.literature fictionipsum, lorem, book, sunt, dolor0
janfabre.be…a consilience artist because he always leaps forward in knowledge through the linking of fact-based theory and practice across disciplines. He seeks and sees links between the different disciplines and for that reason he gave new interpretations to the world of visual arts, theatre and writing.artist, theatre, visual, author, write0
piolalibri.beThe Piolalibri gift voucher can be used for purchases of books and bottles of wine from our cellar. It has no expiration date and it is not necessary to spend it all at once.corner literature, literature italiankitchen, italian, wine, book, pastor0
bjmo.beCurrent treatment patterns of advanced hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer in Belgiumrelevant literature, literature dailyissue, breast, risk, health, treatment0
qurious.beWhether yours is a product or a corporate brand the success of a design system is built on the clarity of your brand. Good design is not about a glossy surface; it’s about communicating your real identity. Strong product or corporate brands have an inspiring and engaging identity.gallery, step, identity, story, corporate0
nova-academy.beNova Academy brings learning to (your) life. The University of Antwerpen, Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel are joining forces to offer an overview of their continuing education opportunities on this platform.language, study, science, economic, medicine0
studiokaplan.beKaplan: an Antwerp based creative and graphic office founded by Pieter Nyssen in 2015 . We design printed products, such as books, publications, posters and visual identities, as well as websites. Kaplan is a member of Gigi , a developer of products and projects , publisher of image, text and sound.flemish literature, literature fundantwerp, view, graphic, showcase, road0
klokkenmakergent.beAbout… More…literature fictionipsum, sit, sunt, dolor, consectetuer0
clemmens-consult.beTo carry out projects in the framework of the Soil Remediation Decree (Flanders, Belgium) we work together with a type II -remediation expert as chosen by the client. The soil remediation expert processes the advice of Clemmens Consult in the soil remediation project. Clemmens Consult acts as…condition literature, literature datasoil, advice, remediation, value, groundwater0
innosens.beInnosens provides advanced services based on market access consulting on the Belgian pharmaceutical market. In the pharmaceutical industry, both technical and emotional aspects affect the strategy of a pharmaceutical company. Innosens likes to combine both aspects to provide a high quality…systematic literature, literature reviewaccess, reimbursement, market, program, early0
natureminded.be…family, work and free time. More than ever, we need places where we can feel good and function optimally. Research from environmental psychology shows us that natural environments can offer us exactly that: nature fosters overall well-being, reduces stress, improves our concentration, and…text literaturehealth, research, environmental, psychology, overall0
antonarctica.bePhotography, as a powerful medium of expression and communication, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation, and executionliterature shakespearescience, today, song, expedition, reply0
moons.beWhen I raise this question in a 1-1 coaching, leadership training or team workshop, people look at me in ‘deep silence’. Their body language tells me: “Is this what we pay you for… for raising these kinds of questions? “ My answer: ‘Yes indeed, that is exactly what you pay me for”. Because of…recommend literatureleadership, moon, potential, book, appointment0
antoine-conotte.beContact… Skills… Languages… Experiences…language, french, skills, month, network0
database-of-medieval-chinese-texts.beMainpage Note on the first BETA-Version publication (English) Note on the first BETA-Version publication (Chinese)dūnhuáng literature, literature dunhuangtext, medieval, note, ghent, university0
europa57.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis.literature fictionipsum, lorem, sunt, dolor, consectetuer0
conchology.beEncyclopedia Gastropods by Eddie Hardy WMSDB By Claudio Galli Shellers from the Past and Present Live Land and Fresh Gallery Crustaceology Echinology Shell Image Recognitionnumber literature, literature referenceview, gallery, list, book, number0
recuerdo.be…and surprisingly vigorous. During their round of the floor they remain constantly conscious of the presence of the other dance couples. They leave each other enough space and try to maximally use the surface they are dancing on. Like this the tango circle slowly revolves. ” (Recuerdo 1992 © Sabam)schedule, register, music, ghent, founder0
comiteri.beCompetences… Legislation… Publications… Activity reports… Investigation reports… Advice… Advice DPA…specialize literatureadvice, report, activity, investigation, series0
belgianpressfromthegreatwar.beThe collection contains all sorts of press coverage from Belgium during the First World War: censored daily newspapers and regular weekly and monthly papers, illegal press, trench newspapers, prisoners of war press, refugee press, press for Belgian citizens abroad and the new generation of…house literature, literature antwerpnewspaper, heritage, library, issue, antwerp0
dominiquedesimpel.beOur company started in Belgium in 1997 with a very simple premise: discovery. At the very beginning of my career, I fell in love with the beautiful simplicity and natural texture of Moroccan tiles. But the world is big and I was curious to learn more about what was available in other parts of the…tile, material, form, thing, submission0
ibedssma.be…Dental & Surgical Sleep Medicine Academy (iBEDSSMA). The concept of iBEDSSMA will be explicitly towards the multidisciplinary approach of sleep-disordered breathing. The board members do believe that this concept will be the added value of this Belgian platform, and its unique selling position.website literature, literature review, monthly literaturesleep, medicine, interdisciplinary, membership, surgery0
libertyantwerpen.beLiberty is located right next to the Red Star Line Museum, which has already become world-famous.period literature, literature lifeantwerp, apartment, space, line, view0
grandemuraille.beBooks concerning acupuncture, Taiji Quan, Qi Gong, tourism, economy, philosophy, Chinese cuisine, Traditional Chinese Medicine,... There are books available in French, Dutch, English and Chinese.chinese literature, literature chinesecalendar, book, activity, greeting, card0
lavrenov.beThe game is meant for at least 2 players, but can hold a max of 4. It features a co-op and versus mode, as well as different levels and a boss to finish the game.framework, technology, unity, circle, pipeline0
snapdragon.beA good translation is more than just an accurate translation: every text has its own style, purpose and context, and you need those to come across in the translation too. This makes a good translator absolutely vital.master literature, literature studiestranslation, text, dutch, french, german0
interferenceslitteraires.beClose Listening and Synesthetic Reading Across Multiple Poetry Archives: Tracking the Performative Afterlives of a Poemread literature, literature casepoetry, performative, automatic, current, issue0
heliant.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec est eget sunt consectetuer maecenas am mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel morbi purus aliquam.literature fictionipsum, lorem, laboris, officas, sit0
maartenvandenbussche.beDuring 2018 – 2019, MVdB was one of the six artists in residence at the Antwerp theatre Monty as part of the Montignard -project, a programme aimed at deepening the skills and craftsmanship of young theatre professionals. Together with Marie Pien, Rani Decock, Tim Bogaerts, and Jonathan Van der…english literature, literature universityresearch, writing, theatre, antwerp, study0
theothershop.beThe Other Shop, your next stop in the historic centre of Antwerp, next to the cathedral and Groenplaats. Books & More.book, antwerp, gift, historic, cathedral0
sytra.beA report on the advantages of organic farming and level of research funding of organic farming in Europe. Paradoxically, high environnemental performances of organic farming are not triggering a significant investment in researchresearch, pathway, chain, value, cooperative0
percosens.bePercoSens… Home… About Us… Our Team… Portfolio… Literature… Awards… Contact…moisture, analysis, scale, leak, detection0
irishsetterclub.beThe Irish Setter Club was founded in 1973 and represents the interests of the Irish Red Setter and Irish Setter Red & White.irish, list, activity, trial, field0
chemlab-analytical.beLaboratory chemicals & consumables | Chemlab-Analyticalliterature highlightanalytical, chemical, laboratory, consumables, reagent0
boe.beFragment BOE Soundscape 2687 Song by the fire on Tantadsoundscape, song, short, index, mill0
yaegaki-kai.beBrussels Yaegaki-Kai, Bruxelles, Belgique, Iaido ZNKR & Eishin Ryu Dojo, Oda Katsuo sensei, ABKF Iaido dojo - Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryuiaido literatureiaido, kendo, measure, grading0
wholescalechange.beAlthough each situation is different, the purpose of Whole-Scale™ Change is always the creation of change in organisations, networks and communities that requires the active involvement, energy, ideas and commitment of multiple stakeholders in order to be long lasting, effective and successful. It…change, scale, network, future, european0
hebias.beA well-designed and optimised market access process starts with the right set-up of clinical trials. • HEBIAS helps to indicate which data should be collected, and how economic models should be designed and aligned. This optimises the introduction of your innovation to the market and the…literature reviewvalue, innovation, analysis, market, strategy0
plomp.bePlomp Consultancy created in 2012, is providing services to support the growth phase and need of performance of start-up, small and large companies specialized in Life science and beyond.literature transitionreader, idea, dynamic, growth, need0
powerclimber.beThis document and all copies are the property of Power Climber . Photos and illustrations contained in this site are illustrative only. For proper use, consult the operation's manuals or contact Power Climber at (800) 560- CLIMB (2546). Specifications subject to change. © Copyright 2007 Power…climber, power, access, equipment, hoist0
pieterjanvolckaert.beWho I am… What I saw and want to share… How you get in touch… What I do as well… Animation…graphic, wedding, draw, window, historic0
fishersci.beFisher Scientific is the UK's leading supplier of laboratory equipment, chemicals, and services used in scientific research, safety, healthcare, and education.literature subscription, product literature, literature cataloguestorage, equipment, chromatography, safety, program0
kathleenvereecken.be…about the friendship between a white girl and a slave girl. With Ik denk dat het liefde was (I Think It Was Love) – a novel about the supposed son of famous philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Vereecken won the Boekenleeuw (Book Lion) and several other rewards. The novel was translated in…love, novel, essay, french, german0
fil-mag.be…  modern (1960-now)… airmail… service stamps… postage due stamps… occupation stamps… ATM…stamp, sheet, postage, military, history0
technolec.beTechnolec uit Temse is een value added distributeur van producten en componenten. Technolec heeft twee business Units: Industriële Data Communicatie en Power Products. - Technolecpower, industrial, value, referral, grid0
lostart.beThis website is an initiative of Bert Eelen . He is an Art Historian, Economist and an Unärtete artist.unknown, origin, story, index, encyclopedia0
virtualidentity.beSelf-sovereign identity is an approach to digital identity that gives individuals control of their digital identities. SSI addresses the difficulty of establishing trust in an interaction. In order to be trusted, one party in an interaction will present credentials to the other parties, and those…identity, virtual, technology, reality, artificial0
brussels-exclusive-labels.beSavoir-faire, quality, passion, elegance and respect. These are the values at the heart of Brussels Exclusive Labels (BEL)literature bookexclusive, summer, heart, value, elegance0
theatredelachapelle.besimmons cone crusher after kets outer bushing cec 102x115 impact crusher specs gyratory crusher spares leather upper head bushing of olive crushers gyratory crusher diagramcrusher, jaw, track, impactor, spare0
succesia.beUniversity Selection, Admission Tests Preparation (SAT, SAT Subjects, TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE) & Admissions Consulting.sat literaturesat, consulting, nunc, tincidunt, theme0
bjh.beTCR-based T cell immunotherapy for AML: Multidimensional aids in optimising treatment and patient identificationrelevant literature, literature dailycell, issue, clinical, therapy, guidelines0
tantedora.beIts sometimes her behaviour are contented. Do listening am eagerness oh objection collected. Together gay feelings continue juvenile had off one. Unknown may service subject her letters one bed. Child…travel, feeling, behaviour, child, unknown0
anneliesmoonsdoc.be…from stress, sickness, traumas and external aggression. A sustainable diet does not only lead to a healthy body, but also contributes to a healthier planet. The EAT Planetary Health Diet by Professor Walter Willett (Harvard) and Johan Rockström (Stockholm Resilience Centre) published in the…healthy, diet, sustainable, health, bush0
fusion.be…Studies and Children’s Literature… P³ Magazine… Daylight Rig… Animals… ISO Castle… Coloring…photography, thought, phone, morocco, drawing0
alexanderkoch.beMy name is Alexander Koch and I'm a bioinformatics researcher and data visualization enthusiast based in Brussels (Belgium). I love solving data-related problems. If you have an interesting one I'd love to hear about it!visual literature, literature explorationvisualization, form, clarity, function, principle0
paulbogaert.bePaul Bogaert is a Belgian poet. He has published 6 collections of poetry so far. He lives in Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium.poem, poet, flanders, poetry, prize0
hifive.beWe run e-Commerce businesses, we publish books, we advise clients at a strategic level with our management consultancy services and we execute marketing campaigns. You want to offer your Bachelor or Master students more than 30 years experience in Business and Marketing? That is what we have: A…course, marketplace, publish, slide, strategy0
koenraaddewolf.beAll trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners.idea, society, history, religious, respective0
scholanova.beSchola Nova’s success is based on a passionate and highly qualified teaching staff and on parents who are actively engaged in the life of the school.leisure literature, literature deathprimary, classical, humanity, testimony, memory0
comver.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec eget et sunt consectetuer maecenas ac conubia risus egestas aptent eget mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel mattis feugiat aliquam dapibus dolor dolor justo mauris at fusce an accumsan erat elit odio quam feugiat rutrum vestibulum vehicula mauris venenatis.literature fictionsunt, consectetuer, lorem, ipsum, amet0
deregenboogvilvoorde.be…Evangelism… Languages… Western European… Dutch… English… Postcards… Contact… Who are we… Donate…christian literaturecart, french, language, default, dutch0
iceway.beLorem ipsum dolor sit amet donec est eget sunt consectetuer maecenas am mauris sit semper nibh vestibulum vel morbi purus aliquam.literature fictionipsum, lorem, book, laboris, moon0