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139 Belgian websites relevant to the keyword: grateful

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talboomerik.beEveryday we take thousands of decision. I’m not kidding, literally thousands of decision, every single day. I am grateful for this opportunity, the ability to choose. I have been practicing this...enormously grateful, grateful change, day grateful, grateful opportunitymarch, responsibility, music, garden, history4
group-bel.beWe owe our current position to our customers, our team leaders, our employees, our workers and more... And we are grateful.short gratefulbuild, renovation, family, night, short3
viedlux.beWorking with Vie'd Lux * and their inspired team is a very pleasant experience. Since we have been working with Vie 'd Lux* we are now every season ready on time for the preparations of our catwalk show and we have the models that fulfill their mission with panache. I am very grateful to them. A…panache grateful, grateful pleasureagency, modeling, assignment, tune, change3
beablessing.beGratitude is a lovely cycle of…well, gratitude. By sharing what I was grateful for each day I was expecting good things to happen and looking for the good in bad things that happened. Either way, I carried an expectation that there would lots to be grateful for , and a t the end of each day I…gratitude grateful, grateful day, lot grateful, grateful end, day gratefulblessing, child, family, today, thing3
merrytheschristmascollection.bewhen I started collecting I was so grateful for all the free information many collectors share on the internet that I wanted to do the same.generosity grateful, grateful pagechristmas, collector, items, collect, valuable3
yogaoffice.beOffer a moment of total disconnection to your teams, who will come out relaxed, fresh-minded, and grateful for this gift ! Chair massage at work shows a lot of benefits too, for the employees as well as for their firm and is always the most appreciated form of wellness.deeply grateful, grateful initiative, minded grateful, grateful giftwellbeing, chair, class, employee, program2
rosaryontheborders.beIf you want to help us, you can make a donation on the account of «Rosaire aux frontières » IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC : ARSPBE22. It will help us pay for the posters, flyers, prayer booklets and postal charges. We would be very grateful to you.prayer, jesus, heart, peace, october2
artanna.be…experiencing any stress. Helena understood perfectly what we wanted and the result was beyond our expectations. We would recommend Helena to anyone who wants to experience a unique love weekend. We will be eternally grateful to Helena as she has given us the most wonderful memory of our life.super grateful, grateful wonderful, eternally grateful, grateful helenawedding, dream, italy, love, journey2
dewivandevyver.beIt is always a pleasure to be asked your opinion, whether it is on tech, digital transformation, leadership, women in tech, ... I am always grateful when I get the opportunity to let my voice be heard and I hope that it contributes to a more sustainable and more ethical world.tech grateful, grateful opportunity, keynote grateful, grateful audiencewoman, tech, talk, inspire, founder2
balansyoga.beYoga for me is stopping the world and descending in my inner being, being grateful and learning to appreciate my…class, practice, individual, teacher, inn2
therandonneur.be…and see wildlife moving mysteriously all around you, and you feel like you are all alone out there. I can't think of a single thing that compares to being out there when all the world is still asleep. I am so grateful i found that place in my own country and am able to share it with some friends.asleep grateful, grateful place, happy grateful, grateful wordmorning, isle, beautiful, road, favorite2
interculturaltalents.beI want to start by saying that I am very glad to be in “your team”. We are lucky. You give us the feeling that we are not alone in this challenging searching for work process. Always a smiling face and quick feedback to our questions. I am in Liesbeth’s team and will always be grateful for…team grateful, grateful superintercultural, market, thank, internship, native2
terugnaardeessentie.be…end, it wasn’t the dog that had to change, but also the owners who had to do things differently and throw it over a different tack. We are very grateful to Bianca for making us realise that it is not always what we want from the dog but that we had to take more account of what our dog wants. By…well grateful, grateful happy, tack grateful, grateful biancainterpreter, practice, philosophy, offer, rate2
coronaventilator.beWe are still very grateful for the massive response following our call for industry assistance. We have been receiving a lot of helpful offerings in our mailbox. We did not find the time yet to answer to all of you in person, for which we apologize. However, not hearing from us does not mean that…mailbox grateful, grateful ablequickly, volunteer, hospital, need, industry2
artofevents.bejust made our hearts skip a beat... Blessed, humbled and grateful for these recommendations!bless grateful, grateful recommendation, supplier grateful, grateful beautifulwedding, celebration, corporate, graphic, timeless2
nfp-chemistry.beAs a potential buyer you may want an independent opinion on the chemistry and technical aspects of your target company (not financial). I have finished several such projects and found them very exciting. The buyers were very grateful for my general opinion, the tips & tricks and the practical view…buyer grateful, grateful general, manager grateful, grateful experiencechemistry, chemical, innovation, creative, waste2
letsfrench.beI decided to take private French lessons 3 years ago. Camille took into consideration my lack of time and motivated me perfectly to "make an extra effort" to teach me this absolutely unknown language. Very quickly, I was able to understand simple conversations and express myself. I am very…quickly grateful, grateful advice, conversation grateful, grateful ablefrench, course, level, language, corporate2
ingensia.be“I am grateful to Ingensia for guiding me through the search for a new job. I would like to emphasise their professionalism, their kindness and their availability.career, opportunity, thank, process, listener1
raphaelsuites.beWe are grateful for your loyal support, and Raphael suites is happy to grant you a discount of 10% if you book directly through our website. You can use the discount code ‘loyalty’. Thank you!quiet, luxury, gallery, antwerp, complimentary1
flowtastic.beFrom time to time I take a moment to look back at my journey of the past few years. This journey contains 2 pivotal moment and 2 people I am forever grateful… And you are one of them! It was the second tipping point for me and the most important one in my physical recovery! I am at the point… Lees…forever grateful, grateful secondenergy, yes, manual, birth, selection1
ervaren.beit was a truly amazing experience. The orange beach fishing charters online crew was very kind and had a lot of patience in getting me familiar with the line and the bait. They managed not to make me hurt myself during my bait launches, and I am very grateful to them for that. There were always…launch grateful, grateful kindfishing, sportsman, true, beautiful, fish1
pdh-massages.beI am very grateful to these people, and to all those who gave me tips and allowed me to practice, who in turn allowed make this project a reality.treatment, fair, chair, guestbook, course1
joobs.beDid someone refer you the job offer? Be grateful to your network and thanks them by sharing % of your cash bonus. We will manage the financial transactions for you.offer grateful, grateful networkaccess, offer, confidence, reason, exclusive1
wimrombaut.be…we are overwhelmed by so many positive reactions. “I experience deep relaxation and joy“ is the most popular feedback. I feel humble and grateful, because it’s the first song I produced with our new label ‘Zest Records’, owned and founded by myself. Working with the genius composer and…humble grateful, grateful songrecord, uncategorized, pace, zest, song1
vanbladelenpartners.be…as a coach she can bring instant clarity to beliefs and patterns that are at play. In addition, Katrin has the gift of being able to go straight to the essence together with the coachee. Every day, I am still grateful to Katrin for the enormously enriching coaching moments I have had with her.day grateful, grateful katrinconsulting, heart, level, certified, strong1
exypnos.beThe Exypnos team is grateful to be the Winner of the 2021 CLEPA Innovation Award in the SME-cooperation category for our Solar Roof.team grateful, grateful winnertechnology, learn, mobility, polyurethane, value1
hamelryck.beHaving had the opportunity to work with so many people and organisations I am grateful for the existence of the AGILE principles.organisation grateful, grateful existenceazure, approval, skills, angular, language1
daretoleap.beall at one time popped the question: 'Why?' or 'Why me?'. No doubt that one day you knew the answer to your question and you knew exactly why! Be grateful for what happened. Don't just sit back and mope. The faster you turn your 'misfortune' into a positive view, the quicker results will be…exactly grateful, grateful fastleap, book, result, appointment, insight1
hifive.be…something new and exciting. I got so hooked to it, that I almost didn't want to do anything else than to prepare for next round and final victory! It helped me to make my first steps into the business world, where it is a simulation no more, but every day's reality and I am truly grateful for that.course, marketplace, publish, slide, strategy1
jensvanhooydonck.beI worked every weekend in Bakery Wouters as a job student. Here I was responsible for the pastries, cakes and pies. I did this job for 8 years and I’m really grateful for the opportunity I got learning how to work hard in a team.year grateful, grateful opportunityantwerp, opportunity, curriculum, skills, technology1
johantorfs.bePeople can be so grateful for even the smallest gesture. As a volunteer at the Red Cross I mainly do 2 things. Firstly I help by standing at events and giving people first aid were needed. But a less known service we also provide is homework guidence for children in need. Some children get less…people grateful, grateful smallskills, thing, bit, need, functional1
outsideinconsulting.beUnderstanding the need for a robust Customer Experience program boils down to simple common sense. Great and memorable experiences lead to grateful customers, ambassadors for your brand who stay longer.experience grateful, grateful customeroutside, consulting, strategy, package, centric1
rsclpinworld.beIf you have any Pins or have knowledge about Standard Liège Pins that are not on this site I would be very grateful if you could ad it to my collection or at least to sent me a picture to extend the catalogue. You will get nor famous nor rich in doing so but you would help me to extend my…site grateful, grateful collectionstandard, collector, interest, official, goal1
imfse.be“I consider the IMFSE experience as one of the most amazing and enriching experiences of my life. I have learned more than I could imagine, not just about fire protection engineering, about friendship and culture too. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity.”culture grateful, grateful opportunityfire, contributor, safety, university, career1
nascivzw.beWe are incredibly grateful for any kind of support we receive, be it material or financial, or by means of a volunteering position.incredibly grateful, grateful kindaid, infant, august, july, worker1
stuvo-futureproof-2045.beWe are really grateful for what was a great conference on Student Support Services. That said, we hope you're all safe at home now with your loved ones and most importantly in a healthy condition.future, congress, march, safe, ghent1
be-networks.be“BE Networks has been supporting our infrastructures and business for the last 5 years. We are grateful for your long-term collaboration.”year grateful, grateful longnetwork, asset, spare, technical, story1
weexist.be"Difficult to find the right words to express how grateful we are to Obada, Natasa and team for the amazing food they provided for our wedding. They did a superb, professional job, with an impeccable accommodating and friendly attitude. We're looking forward to another occasion to book them!"word grateful, grateful obadamonth, category, plugin, checkbox, functional1
emilielauwers.beI'm extra grateful when I can use my talents for projects that take a stand or make a difference. The IOK company asked me to create the logo, campaign images and...extra grateful, grateful talentgraphic, photography, scenography, etching, campaign1
sensotec.be…completely blind - was the best she could wish for and you certainly contributed to that! Her "big beast" - as she called her new computer with speech technology - gave her much, even in her last week of life for which she was very grateful every day! Once again, my sincere thanks for that!"life grateful, grateful daytechnology, assistive, easy, distributor1
naniko.beIn fact, can be mentioned many reasons that may convince you of the correctness of your choice for the services of our company. Over the years, we have noted with great satisfaction our professional growth and improvement of work style, that is without further ado is displayed in the grateful…ado grateful, grateful feedbackrental, price, cheap, availability, worldwide1
counterpressing.beI am always grateful for the mentoring and faith Jan provided me. Jan possesses so many great qualities both in football and even more so on a human level; he is a very intelligent individual. He is an outstanding football professional who, over his whole tenure, never missed a qualification…success, level, strategy, quote, head1
boneyboneswhite.be…Johnny Cash - Loretta Lynn - The Carter Family - Traditional Songs - Delta Blues - Honky Tonk Style - The Rolling Stones - Muddy Waters - Van Morrison - Neil Young - Sam Cook - Howlin Wolf - Elmore James - Bob Dylan - Hank Williams - Emmylou Harris - Grateful Dead - Stanley Brothers & many more ...harris grateful, grateful deadbone, white, chess, real, artist1
kennelderoanelle.beTo all people on our waiting list: we are so grateful that once again, some for the third time now, are willing to wait until our next try.list grateful, grateful timelitter, dark, old, semen, available1
designed4you.berings and from the old ones she made a beautiful jewel that I love. With a little leftover she designed a heart with our three letters in it. Our daughter Louise wears it at every party. We are so grateful to her! Afterwards, I bought some beautiful jewels from her and I like to send friends to her.party grateful, grateful beautifuljewellery, silver, especially, handmade, beautiful1
ariciaauwerx.be…are very intense. Being able to learn all these new things from the well-respected professors and teachers in these Japanese studies, is an opportunity for which I'm grateful every day. I aspire to keep learning and developing so that I can 'give something back' and contribute to society one day.opportunity grateful, grateful dayjapanese, teacher, education, course, music1
vubtechtransfer.be…Crosstalks and VUB Foundation, express their condolences to the family, friends and all who knew, loved and respected them. We are very grateful to Paul for the creation of the new Vice-rectorate and the autonomous TechTransfer office in 2015, giving knowledge and technology transfer a newfriend grateful, grateful paultechnology, research, funding, entrepreneurship, researcher1
restitutionbelgium.be…thus took on a fundamentally different meaning. It was implied that Tervuren did not return a contested heritage, but that Kinshasa should be grateful for the 114 pieces that Belgium voluntarily returned and as part of an intercultural collaboration (see Mumbembele; Van Beurden; Wastiau in…kinshasa grateful, grateful piececolonial, cultural, origin, heritage, research1
dubstepdiaries.beI have to thank dubstep diaries for always supporting me, and for achieving one of my goals, my first official release, and I will always be grateful to him, I hope we will work together again in the futurerelease grateful, grateful futurerelease, music, artist, feature, diary1
brouwerijhuyghe.beOur beers are nature’s gift to man. We have a moral obligation to not only be grateful but also to think and act in a sustainable way, to do business with the utmost care for people and the environment. By adopting a green approach we are building a rosy future for Brewery Huyghe.obligation grateful, grateful sustainablebrewery, family, sustainability, old, beer1
aalexvertommen.beThursday and Friday are completely booked and Wednesday there are only 5 more tickets left. I am so grateful for all the people who support me and are willing to get out of there sofa’s on a weeknight just to watch me sweat and talk about my problems. THANK YOU!!ticket grateful, grateful peopleuncategorized, artistic, music, choir, song1
radio68.be…Invasion All-Stars (feat. Keith Grant-Evans, Jim McCarty, Eddie Phillips, Ray Phillips] ; Beautiful Freaks: When Music Was the Counterculture [Grateful Dead, Country Joe, The Fool, Alan Ginsberg] *** S unday 21 August 2022 & Tuesday 23 August 202 Ed’s Show, 2022-28. *** RADIO 68: all the…counterculture grateful, grateful deadgeneration, august, love, sound, feat1
stone-express.beSafe mobility: Combined transport relieves the pressure on roads – cars and freight traffic will be grateful.stone, road, storage, staff, short1
huygelontrail.beI'm walking Te Araroa South Island starting January 2023 and I want to write some stories, resupply guides, schedules,... about it in English so that I can reach more people. I'm so grateful for former TA-hikers, that they have written there stories down, that I want to do the same and share some…people grateful, grateful tastory, writer, nice, dutch, hiking1
hoponopono.beEveryone who feel depressed, unhealthy and disbalanced should consider this doctor and his professional help. I am grateful and feel amazing again.help grateful, grateful amazinggallery, appointment, chiropractic, help, physiotherapy1
bnbidea.beI've found the variation in the practical application of setting up and functions of the various platforms available, quite challenging! BnB Idea was blissfully simple and straightforward, so I am very grateful for that!accommodation, idea, property, directly, stay1
bluemondaypeople.beWe are very grateful to all the people who participated in our crowd funding and in private donations. Without you this album wouldn’t have seen the light!monday, soul, listen, june, march1
inclusievemaatschappij.beIn recent days, we have communicated a lot about how to protect ourselves against the current recession. Ensuring our own business continuity, as well as that of our customers, in difficult times is going to be a focus for the following weeks and months. We are already grateful to everyone for…month grateful, grateful flexibilitysociety, march, mother, consideration, listen1
ergo-lab.be"We at Ergo-At-Work, a student company located in the Ghent region, are very grateful for the way in which Marc has helped us on our way. He has assisted us in refining our vision of the future and directing our company in a way that helps society."region grateful, grateful wayergonomic, workplace, chair, healthy, control1
eatspoons.beThe common thread in this team of foodies is the will to please and to make people feel like home. ‘Don’t worry, eat happy’ is a guideline that we follow since like forever. We are extremely grateful that we can send out this message at Spoons.extremely grateful, grateful messagespoon, ready, delicious, story, dream1
ceris.be“I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the Ceris program this year thanks to the scholarship I was granted from the Region de Bruxelles. This scholarship gave me the chance to deepen and broaden my knowledge in International Relations. I truly enjoyed the diversity and depths of…lecturer, teach, politics, course, academic1
iannucci.beBeing a musician is a blessing and I'm immensely grateful to all those who shared this passion with me and who made me progress in this never-ending journey.immensely grateful, grateful passionmusic, musician, bass, guitar, soul1
shoomie.beMaking a list about what you’re grateful for can help some people feel relaxed. Experts say that when we’re stressed, we tend to focus on the negative parts of life rather than the positive. Thinking about the positive parts of your life and writing them down may help you chill out. Try to think…list grateful, grateful peoplemeditation, mind, practice, child, cell1
un-marteau.beThanks to HurryFix’s team my house is now as good as new! They helped me to renew my roof, fixed the heating system and rewired the house. I’m very grateful as I could never do it alone! These guys are very careful, skilled and indeed fast!house grateful, grateful guyview, heating, electrical, garden, painting1
corevof.be…environment. During the past 2 years, she inspired me to give multiple non-native employees an opportunity in my team, for which I am very grateful. Ilse combines enthusiasm and passion for people with realism to make things happen. She’s well-prepared and continuously supported both the…team grateful, grateful ilsecore, corporate, intercultural, native, employee1
chrislock.beAs a result of bitter political decisions, not all of General Maczek's soldiers returned home and neither could this legendary Polish General! We keep in our hearts grateful memory of everything that various generations of Flanders people have done for their Polish liberators and for Poland.heart grateful, grateful memorypolish, ypres, book, general, lock1
collective-effort.be…Our ultimate team is diverse in terms of age, competence, gender and ethnic origin. Currently, the driving force of our business consists of 4 founders, but we are also incredibly grateful for the support of many talented people, investors and stakeholders who joined us on our journey last year.incredibly grateful, grateful supportrental, industry, circular, clothing, footprint1
sitarfactory.beOne of my dearest friends and guru, Hari Chand, passed away yesterday. He reached the age of 87. All what you can read on this site, I’ve learned from him. I am eternally grateful to him and my thoughts go out to him and his family and friends.eternally grateful, grateful thoughtstring, factory, reply, restoration, thursday1
bcfund.beWe would be very grateful for your support – by making a donation you can directly assist in securing the future of the Fund. Please click on the link below to find details of how to donate.fund, british, ball, help, duchess1
forwhatitsworth.beIn neoliberal-infected Britain over 750,000 people have volunteered to help during the pandemic. I watched this happen from news reports, open mouthed with disbelief, grateful for this beautiful demonstration that, notwithstanding decades of neoliberal indoctrination, not all hope is lost. People…disbelief grateful, grateful beautifuldonation, piece, dream, night, choice1
studioslowmotion.beI followed my first Teacher Training in 2016 during my PhD on slowmotion in early cinema (Aha! Hence Studio Slowmotion). Let’s say I’m fascinated by every aspect of movement, slowness, stillness in theory and philosophy. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to deeply study yoga and mediation…philosophy grateful, grateful opportunityteacher, antwerp, class, movement, breath1
umina.be“Detoxing with Umina was a phenomenal process! I felt energetic and unbelievably full of life. I felt intense clarity, I’m aware and alert, and grateful that I took part in this detox. I love how easy it was to incorporate it into my busy schedule. I had a very intense experience and I feel…alert grateful, grateful detoxrecipe, book, kitchen, real, raw1
gwenclaes.beDuring the weekends i work sometimes for Stefan & Ann as a waiter, this was my first (student)job and i'm very grateful to them, that's one of the reasons i do the job still today.waiter grateful, grateful reasonbeer, thing, interest, travel, lot1
pelletkachelonline.beWe were recommended the Realome Team through friends, and we couldn’t be more grateful that they became our realtors. They were great about guiding us in the right direction for selling our home, and had a personal touch. They never gave up when it came to selling our house, and were always…friend grateful, grateful realtorprocess, property, real, estate, price1
davidcohen.beThere are many many more very generous individuals who have helped and gave their time, advise and support to David in the development of his career, Mr Cohen apologies if they are not mentioned on this page, but David is very appreciative and forever grateful for all their support!forever grateful, grateful supportlondon, orchestra, internationally, symphony, renowned1
expandintosilence.be…that were stuck (ankle) released. Something was about to happen with my knee as well... Having that much skeletal movement is much more gentle due to an energy session than it is when going to a chiropractor, so I am grateful. Somehow I had forgotten you could do that so it was a nice surprise.”chiropractor grateful, grateful niceexpand, person, past, background, offering1
merasa.be…much guidance and clarity for this moment and in moving forward through Tineke’s channeling. I gained a deeper understanding of myself with her help, so much healing and expansion was made possible through this Soul Session. I am forever grateful for Tineke’s time and energy, for sharing her gift.forever grateful, grateful tinekeenergy, soul, remedy, book, record1
vengeance-film.beI could not be more happy after seeing this wonderful movie. Such a great effort you all did for making it an amazing piece of art. It was more than worth the wait. It was a dream. Not Sid’s dream, but my very own. Thank you so much for making one of my dreams come true. So grateful to be able to…true grateful, grateful able, sid grateful, grateful guyshort, true, wonderful, movie, dream1
azlyrics.becan help us overcome any obstacle or setback, as brilliantly illustrated by the spoken-word intro and outro. Especially in recent times, it has helped us stand united whilst offering the spark of hope that lights up the road ahead. This year, I am more grateful than ever for having music in my life.year grateful, grateful musiclyric, track, music, author, record1
quatuor-brussels.be…to the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication by mistake, we would be grateful to let us know by reply or phone, within the shortest delay. Befimmo or any related company is neither liable for the proper and complete…mistake grateful, grateful replybefimmo, floor, purpose, estate, real1
wearewho.beAnd we've put our heads together to make a four to the floor variation inspired on a remix we couldn't release. We're very happy with the story that came to existence with this track, and we're grateful for the inspiration we've got from the remix leading this one.track grateful, grateful inspirationrelease, need, remix, sound, music1
platformlimburg.be…Obviously, I actually do write however for my very own private blog. And, the actual writing my second publish for VNA and that i can’t be more grateful for welcoming me back (following a lengthy break). Plus, I believe the timing couldn’t happen to be better. Simple Rangoli Designs This really isvna grateful, grateful lengthyshare, dig, delicious, ball, skills1
hippo-lux.beEvery company makes a start thanks to the trust of a group of pioneers. People who believe in you, who give you opportunities. The first stallion owners who chose Hippo-Lux, the first customers who chose Hippo-Lux as the house of confidence for their breeding ambitions. Geert and An are very…geert grateful, grateful believerstallion, horse, treatment, foal, book1
self-defence.be"Unfortunately I had to put what I learned into practice… my body did what it was supposed to do, I got nothing, just maybe a bruise or two, and a lot of scare but that's it. The lessons probably saved my life... also mentally because I would have reacted completely differently before. I am really…lesson, self, defence, course, woman1
bigbrand.beVery grateful for being fortune enough to be working what I love and to do what I do best while enjoying the comfort of traveling around the world and working from every corner of the planet, servicing clients from various parts of the world.graphic, creative, identity, signage, packaging1
tniefcollectief.beWe are, to this day, utterly grateful that ‘Te Gek!?’ was willing to take a leap of faith and support us and our movie on how to create awareness about this sensitive topic.utterly grateful, grateful tepsychological, charity, cast, story, short1
lapetitebande.beWe are incredibly grateful for all that has been: wonderful rehearsals, countless concerts, heaps of recordings and tours... Even our total subsidy loss, from beginning 2017, has not been able to stop us , but it did make us aware of a very great gratitude for all the important subventions La…incredibly grateful, grateful wonderfulstring, music, friend, record, orchestra1
evelinemaestattoo.beI had never participated at a convention so I’m very grateful for winning that first place.convention grateful, grateful placegallery, booking, artist, teacher, realistic1
annajung.be…me forth to act upon my new insights. Through my coaching relationship with Anna I have eventually developed the decisiveness and the energy I needed to radically exchange my international marketing career for a completely new journey… as a professional coach. And I am very grateful for that.”therapist, result, reference, change, european1
jslo-shelterhome.beWe know giving requires commitment and sacrifice, so we are very thankful for and encouraged by your donations. As a nonprofit organisation, we’re grateful to all our partners like you in helping children. Jomelos goal in 2021 is to raise 25,000 euros to complete the remaining part of Jomelos…organisation grateful, grateful partnerchild, build, founder, risk, family1
eweb.beThese evaluations were given to us by our customers voluntarily and are grateful for our business.voluntarily grateful, grateful businesslorem, ipsum, sit, viverra, orci1
pattywouters.beTherefore I am grateful to everybody who supported and encouraged me and offered me the space and time to realise my dreams.gallery, biography, ceramic, exhibition1
mattwie.beIt’s always harder to see our own expulsion stories, but here in Canada we have them, too. If only those uppity Natives would shut up, stay on their reserves, and be grateful, say some. If only white people would stop being white people, and maybe just somehow magically disappear from this land…reserve grateful, grateful whitedesire, hero, theory, victim1
flopclass.beAlthough elvis grateful for the opportunity. It is widely considered the king. Web elvis aaron presley served in the united states army between march 1958 and march 1960. Web w.elvis grateful, grateful opportunityarmy, salvation, class, list, affair1
kalahari.beI want to sincerely thank you for organizing our Launch Event. This was a great success ! My team could rely on your professionalism and experience, and is very grateful to you.flexible, corporate, dynamic, activity, agency1
aurelielierman.beis slowly but surely expanding beyond my own imagination. Last weekend Renan Zeladan Cisneros send me his newest song cycle: a very touching triptych with texts by Gerard Reve, Pedro Lemebel and Yukio Mishima. I do the solo vocal part. Grateful that I’ll be accompanied by Ivan Pavlov on grand piano.vocal grateful, grateful ivanjune, exhibition, july, august, voice1
qlick.be…entrepreneurial background of Chantal is a very valuable extra as this allows them to relate to all different challenges our varied group of Mizbiz members faces. We are very grateful to have these inspiring ladies support Mizbiz and look forward to many more occasions to cooperate in the future.member grateful, grateful ladycourse, leadership, insight, discovery, fresh1
harmonicegg.be"Everything is vibration and consists of action and reaction. In accepting all that is and being grateful for all your experiences, lies the answer to all your questions. Puzzle pieces fall into place, when you allow yourself to step outside the box. I love supporting people in finding their true…reaction grateful, grateful experienceegg, harmonic, light, sound, health1
adempauze.be"It is my intention to let you experience the inner peace, which is so important for us all, through my massages. That is why I am so grateful that through the power of touch I can bring the other person back in contact with his or her body and feelings. In my atmospheric massage room you get the…massage grateful, grateful powercompletely, hour, wonderful, appointment, away1
creationz.beWe are very grateful to have worked together with Creationz. Not in a million years will we forget all that they've made possible.know, agency, strategy, winner, idea1
fiduciaire-roquet.be…questions were to be explained to our members during our General Assemblies, Mr Roquet showed that he is not only a legal expert in his field, but able to explain complex issues comprehensively to anyone – by the way with charm and humor. We are grateful for the support of the Fiduciaire Roquethumor grateful, grateful supporttax, accounting, consulting, staff, presentation1
casalis.beWe are grateful for the rich diversity of raw materials that nature provides us. Our production is intended to be as environmentally friendly as possible and most of our products are customised, limiting waste to the minimum. This is emphasised even more through our choice of the finest materials…acoustic, carpet, cushion, wool, contemporary1
soulsoundyoga.be"Thank you for the experience. I’m truly grateful for this opportunity to practice online with you and the group. It’s been my sanctuary on Monday evenings, my anchor in these uncertain times. I said to a friend the other day, after a Kundalini session it feels like I've been to some holy place🙏truly grateful, grateful opportunitysoul, sound, class, meditation, schedule1
wesleynulens.beGrateful for such an amazing day with so many wonderful people… And a special thanks to this View full post »wedding, photography, summer, antwerp, autumn1
kimmysroad.beBut there are these moments I feel so alone, I feel like you just don’t get me. You listen, and I’m grateful, but you don’t seem to hear me. You try, but you never do. I just feel so alone with my feelings, you don’t even notice when I’m crying. Or you do notice and, yet again, choose to stay…like grateful, grateful feelingroad, love, journey, human, healthy1
willemsine.be"I felt totally safe and could trust Ine and her knowledge 100% from the very first minute. That led me to really surrender into the practices and go with the flow. I felt super grateful to be able to learn from Ine about Authentic Relating, the practices, my practice partner, and myself.super grateful, grateful ableconnection, ready, practice, authentic, self1
guts-lab.beThis is however far from being sufficient to cover all are expenses. Therefore, we would be real grateful if you are willing to support our research projects.real grateful, grateful willingtreatment, phd, research, colorectal, study1
a41.beA41 had the privilege to work / is working with many promising high-growth companies in the Benelux and the US. Can't mention all of them, but we would like to feature a good mix from the last couple of years. Forever grateful for your business!forever grateful, grateful businessvalue, startup, start, growth, founder1
artcasting.be“I am grateful for their patience and commitment. Thank you from the deepest of my heART for the support and help in creating these wonderful bronze sculptures.”casting, artist, foundry, strength, discover1
monos.beEspecially animals and children are the most vulnerable group in our society and I am grateful that I can speak on their behalf.society grateful, grateful behalfgallery, earth, traditional, picture, reality1
bedandbreakfastcoupure.be…walk - especially as it is still bright in Brugge after 9pm . (we discovered, that the playground, which is in film "In Brugges" is located only 2 minutes walk 🙂 ) We are very grateful for Cathérine for her kindness and flexibility and for all her advices which contributed to make our trip perfect.walk grateful, grateful cathérinebruges, walk, quiet, coffee, historical1
edtechstation.be…Van Cauwenberghe for Belgium, Aurite Kouts for France, Jonathan Viner for the Nordics (N8) and last, but not least... Carla Aerts for the UK. So grateful for the massive attendance and the many positive reactions. There's a lot more coming up, so stay tuned! You can find the link to our event…uk grateful, grateful massivetechnology, education, june, join, august1
semvc.beThrough Sem I came into contact with this great business. It has not only impacted my life, but the life of the whole family. Without Sem's help none of this would have been possible. Eternally grateful.sem, network, level, successful, ready1
steam4kids.benext year and that our daughter can join again – she would be absolutely thrilled to carry on with STEAM. Thanks so much again – we are extremely grateful for opening up our daughter’s eyes and heart to the wonders of science, technology and engineering and for encouraging her. These sessions and…extremely grateful, grateful daughtersteam, science, technology, child, scientific1
suzukicavalcade.beI hope with this website, you give up info. Naturally I am very grateful if you have any information, suggestions, and even proposals for the site.naturally grateful, grateful informationskip, second, naturally, proposal, easy1
pom.beToday, we crossed the magical frontier of 1 million completed payment transactions 🥳. 🙏 Grateful to all our users, customers and partners! On to the next million! #payments #fintech #betech #transactions #1milliontransaction grateful, grateful userpayment, fintech, invoice, button, today1
bertappermont.beBert Appermont is a Belgian composer and conductor. Discover and buy his music for brass, wind or fanfare band, or his other work.music, text, brass, conductor, symphonic0
chailifeline.beChai Lifeline Belgium supports over 120 families battling serious illness, crisis, and loss, across Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland.grateful parentfamily, illness, volunteer, loss, switzerland0
mustangfever.beIf you have a passion for Mustangs, Mustang Fever is the place to be! The entrance of Mustang Fever will be completely free of charge. Enjoy tasty food trucks while listening to live authentic American music. Take a look at all the Mustang merchandise and miniature cars stands or admire Adelbert’s…lottery, owner, lover, edition, nice0
dollbelge.beAll my dolls, toys and decorations are made of only natural, organic, allergy free fibers - such as wool, cotton or linen – from their stuffing to their hair to their clothing.grateful workdoll, clothes, pattern, family, child0
ivopopov.beAs a Brussels wedding photographer, I am available for booking anywhere in Europe and internationally to capture your special moments. I documented my first wedding 8 years ago. Since then I have been traveling and photographing weddings worldwide, with clients from different parts of the world:…happy grateful, grateful ivowedding, photographer, family, picture, late0
arcan.beSed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.grateful incadvertising, elit, ipsum, ut, luctus0
shivadas.beShivadas - Freelance videographer - Homeyear grateful, grateful proudvideographer, talk, function, exhibition, authentic0
sharetri.beBuild a marketplace website online. With Sharetribe's online marketplace website builder you can launch today. No developer or marketplace software needed.experience grateful, grateful sharetribemarketplace, story, password, features, success0
jappalehfoundation.beJappaleh Foundation Europe (JFE) is a Non-Governmental-Organisation (NGO) in Belgium. It closely cooperates with sister organisations established in The Netherlands and Africa. JFE mainly focuses on the following sectors or themes:africa, objective, cameroon, reduction, poverty0
kibanda.beIf you live in the Brussels area and are looking for ways to fulfill your ministry of serving others, consider volunteering at our Brussels office. We are looking for just a few hours a week. This may be a perfect fit provided you have experience in website administration , customer communications…reason grateful, grateful daycooperation, european, funding, prayer, request0
julitafasseva.be"Thank you to Julita for the beautiful earrings! You were able to add some elegance to my corona concert mask. I highly recommend Julita's jewelry because she was very accommodating. I cannot wear long earrings due to my son being less than two years old, and Julita made a special pair for me to…necklace, earrings, jewelry, stone, light0
3qbeer.be…of the most ardent developers and promoters of the model. His ‘Bruges Model’ for Solution Focused Cognitive Systemic Therapy and the Korzybski Institute are but some of his legacies. The three questions for a good life, being one of the most accessible and humble techniques of this ‘bon vivant’…happy gratefulbeer, institute, therapy, bruges, idea0
firstclasslimousine.beFirstClass Limousine Services is a company based in Brussels specialized in the rental of limousines, Vans, minibusses, and buses with drivers.limousine grateful, grateful feedbacktransfer, delegation, month, category, visit0
iyengaryoga.beWe would like you to remind you that your membership gives you the opportunity to participate in yoga conventions, to be insured for possible injuries in every class in Belgium with a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher and to receive a free of the magazine ‘Yoga Sangraha’. Members may also order books…biria grateful, grateful infoteacher, general, membership, member, assembly0
kathetmike.be« Hope » is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops - at all -simply grateful, grateful presencewedding, gift, registry, guestbook, enter0
lievedeboeck.beEnery healing, plant ceremonies, sweat lodges. Face your fears, go on a journey of self-discovery, make conscious choices from your essence.genuinely gratefulenergy, choice, self, conscious, ceremony0
mdagency.beWe represent a balanced mix of national and international labels, focusing on fashion and concept stores, characterized by ‘sophisticated luxury’.agency, luxury, sophisticated, brown, accessories0
viviennehuwyler.beMy hiking destinations usually are somewhere in the Alpstein mountains. There are many routes where you can hike and different levels of difficulty. It only takes me about 30-45 minutes by car to get to the starting points of each route.switzerland, hiking, form, mountain, favorite0
tagat.beA refreshing start: Tagat answered all our e-commerce site needs, increased significantly our internet sales and more!strategy, corporate, process, sell, need0
artsivara.be…Siglinde Van Ransbeeck Van Ransbeeck Siglinde Sivara, sivara3 Glaswerk, Glassware, Verre Ink, Inkt, Encre Oeuvres d’art, Kunstwerken, Art work Bruxelles, Brussel, Brussels Peinture sur verre, Painting on glass, Schilderij op glas Oil paint, Olieverf, Peinture à l’huile Tekeningen, Dessins, Drawpainting, oil, glass, paint, draw0
looks-agencies.beWe live the lifestyle we represent and work with our network of friends , partners and tastemakers to build brandshappy grateful, grateful amazingagency, antwerp, canadian, patrizia, color0
whojo.beWe are a motion design studio based in Kortrijk, Belgium. We specialise in 2D animations, social media posts, event visuals, 3D animations, storyboards, trade fair booth content, explainer videos, creative concepts, 3D visualisations, award shows, illustrations and creative video.creative, motion, visual, trade, fair0
fintechbelgium.beSince 2015, FinTech Belgium gathers a very dynamic community of Fintech, Insurtech, Regtech, Accoutingtech, Tradetech -savvy experts to discuss disruptive models and support the development of new technologies for the finance industry.unbelievably grateful, grateful fintechfintech, member, join, payment, financial0